Chapter Two - Only The Silent Will Survive (Daily Life)

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Mizuki's POV

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Mizuki's POV

Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (2)

I woke up to the irritating sound of the morning announcement. I wanted to stay in bed, to forget all that had happened last night. The motive video, discovering Hayato's body, watching Daichi killed in such a brutal fashion....

I pulled my pillow over my face, wanting to just.... Get rid of all those memories. But I knew I never would. That would stick with me for the rest of my life.

My sadness turned to anger. My anger turned to hatred.

I hated Monokuma. I hated his stupid motives and his stupid jagged eye and his stupid superiority complex and his stupid class trials and I hated!!! Hope's Peak!!!! Academy!!!

Before I knew it, I had thrown myself out of bed, banging on the iron plates with all my might, screaming and crying, a mess of emotions.

Now Playing - Boys' Life of Despair

"HELP! SOMEONE, ANYONE, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed. "PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN HERE ANYMORE! LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! L-let me....." I fell to my knees, sobbing. "Please...... Let me out..... Please..... I don't... Want to be here......"

Monokuma's voice rang out from behind me. "My, my, what an outburst! You really are desperate, aren't you?"

I turned around, blindly throwing my fist forward. It connected. Monokuma flew backwards, crashing into a shelf against the wall.

I breathed a small chuckle of satisfaction. Monokuma slowly stumbled to his feet, feigning dizziness. "You're..... Quite strong.... Miss Kokatsu..." He breathed. He then shook his head the way you see in cartoons and stopped the act. "Buuuttttt I do believe you just broke a rule!"

I covered my mouth with my hands in shock. I had broken a rule.

"Yep! Rule Number 5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras." He read it out, seemingly from memory. "Do you know what that means????"

I did know what that meant. Punishment. Death. Suddenly, an undescribable amount of fear was heaped onto me.

"Heed my call, Holy Spear Gungnir! Come to thine master's aid!"

I had only a second to question it before dozens of spears emerged from the floor and pinned me to the wall. Unbearable pain erupted all over my body, burning hotter than anything I had ever felt before. I let out a scream of agony, but it was muffled by the blood that poured out of my mouth. Then....

Everything went black.

Now Playing - Welcome to Despair Academy


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