Chapter Five - Hopeful Delusions of a Despairing Madwoman (Class Trial)

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Now Playing - Class Trial [Dawn]

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Monokuma: Well then.... I know a lot of you were lazy and didn't help your resident intellectual prodigy investigate! Poor Mizuki had to handle everything all on her own!

Keina Hagihara: Well, there's so little to go off of. Why bother investigating if we're not gonna find anything anyways?

Monokuma: Because I'd be bored if you all decided to give up like that!

Keina Hagihara: .....Really.

Monokuma: Ugh! Mizuki, tell 'em what you found.

Mizuki Kokatsu: Huh? What I found? What specifically?

Monokuma: Maybe start out with telling them how Arisa died?

Make Your Argument!

Now Playing - Argument [Break]

Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File 5
Poison Injected Into Shoulder
Broken Bangle
Bottle of NG Poison

Takayuki Uesaka: Huh? How she died?

Takayuki Uesaka: We know that already, don't we?

Katsumi Midori: Yeah. The culprit forced her forbidden action to activate.

Katsumi Midori: Simple as that.

Emiko Yukimori: I feel so bad for her....

Mizuki Kokatsu: Because nobody stuck around to investigate, they don't know what I do. The reason the culprit couldn't have killed Arisa the way they think is because....

Truth Bullets:
Monokuma File 5
Poison Injected Into Shoulder
Broken Bangle
Bottle of NG Poison

Takayuki Uesaka: Huh? How she died?

Takayuki Uesaka: We know that already, don't we?

Katsumi Midori: Yeah. The culprit forced her forbidden action to activate.

Broken Bangle

Mizuki Kokatsu: No, that's wrong!

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Mizuki Kokatsu: No, that's wrong!


Now Playing - Class Trial [THE SUN]

Mizuki Kokatsu: Hold it.

Mizuki Kokatsu: On the surface, it may have seemed that way, but on further inspection, that's actually not the case.

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