Chapter Five - Hopeful Delusions of a Despairing Madwoman (Deadly Life)

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I rushed to her side, rolling her over onto her back. The skin on one side of her body was taking on a purplish tint, and a drop of blood was dripping down from her eye.

"No.... no, no, no, this can't be happening... Arisa!! Arisa, wake up!!"

 Arisa!! Arisa, wake up!!"

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"Arisa.... Arisa, you're alive.... thank God....."

"Everything's..... so bright....." She squeezed her eyes shut. "It's giving me a migraine....."

How is she still alive....?

"Hey, keep your eyes open. Look at me."

"Everything's so blurry.... I think I need glasses."

"Arisa, you're going to be okay, you hear me? I'll find Monokuma, force him to give me the antidote-"

"No." Arisa rasped, grabbing my hand. Her grip was surprisingly strong. "Don't leave."

"Arisa, you've been poisoned! Y-you might die if-"

"I know. I know. I know I'm dying."


"Just.... I just want you to stay with me."

Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. "Who did this to you, Arisa?"

"Ah.... you're really gonna spend my last moments alive interrogating me?"

"Th-there's going to be a trial, a-and an execution.... I don't want whoever did this to get away with it!"

"They won't.... I'm sure of it. After all, it's you who's gonna be investigating..... right?"

"......I don't want you to die, Arisa."

"I really shouldn't have let you see me like this.... I didn't want this to be your last memory of me."

I had been trying to not collapse into sobs, but seeing Arisa accept her own death so nonchalantly made it impossible.

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