Another Author's Note

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Aaaand that is time! From April 30th, 2021 to today, September 23rd, 2023, that's 2 years, 4 months, and 24 days of me writing Mizuki Kokatsu's experiences with life, death, hope, and despair for all you wonderful readers on the other side of the screen.

While I brought the story, the characters*, the ideas, and the words used to bring it all to life, you brought the support I needed to keep it going. Thank you. Without you, Mizuki might have never gotten past the prologue.

*I brought all but one character. MayMay, if you're reading this, sorry for treating Keina so poorly. (It will happen again.)

It's been an amazing experience, writing this. It's been wonderful watching you, the audience, experience highs and lows as your favorite character had their moment of awesome, or as your favorite character got executed at the hands of everyone's favorite teddy bear.

Thanks for sticking with me, even through my writer's block, the chapters I just barely got out, and the chapters that I couldn't wait for you guys to see. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride, even if you saw some of the wildness coming a mile away. Thanks for seeing these characters of mine to the very end.

Now, the curtains finally close on this long tale of ours. The survivors are safe and happy in the outside world, enjoying a well-earned rest after their experiences at Hope's Peak Academy. They've gotten the happy ending that they deserve, and their story is over. It's time to pass the baton onto another cast, by another author, with another story.


Our story isn't quite over yet....

Is it?

(Stay tuned for the epilogue, everyone! And I have a nagging feeling I left some kind of plot hole, so if you caught anything, please let me know and I'll do my best to explain!)

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