Chapter Four - Pushing Past Grief to Reach for Joy (Class Trial)

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Now Playing - Class Trial (Dawn)

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Takayuki Uesaka: ....

Isoshi Tatsuno: .....

Keina Hagihara: ......Tch.

Monokuma: .....Hey! What happened to all that talkativity of yours!?

Emiko Yukimori: ...........The dead are now even in number with us......

Monokuma: ......And?

Emiko Yukimori: ......That kind of reality drains the motivation right out of you.

Monokuma: Come on! Start the debate! Lemme eat this popcorn of mine while you all yell at each other!

Emiko Yukimori: Wh-where did you even get that popcorn!?

Monokuma: Not important! Now, either you kiddos start debating yourselves, or I'll give you a topic to debate about!

Mizuki Kokatsu: ..........Well, there is something I'm curious about.

Monokuma: Eh? What's that?

Mizuki Kokatsu: Before any of us arrived at the crime scene, Yosai's room was locked.

Takayuki Uesaka: ........Aaaaaaannnnnndddddd?

Mizuki Kokatsu: Monokuma had to unlock the door for us. In other words, we're dealing with a locked-room mystery here.

Takayuki Uesaka: .......I-

Keina Hagihara: Don't you dare say you don't know what that is.

Arisa Ryuzaki: It's basically a type of crime in mystery fiction where somebody gets killed, but it looks impossible for the perp to have gotten out afterwards.

Mizuki Kokatsu: Except this time, it's not fiction. It's real life.

Isoshi Tatsuno: Well, they need to have gotten out somehow.

Takayuki Uesaka: Let's do what we always do, then! Bounce ideas off of each other!

Aiko Hekima: Yayyy! Let's argue then let Mizuki yell at us to shut up!

Mizuki Kokatsu: H-huh!?

Make Your Argument!

Now Playing - Argument [Break]

Truth Bullets:
Keina's Account
Bloodstained Tantō
Monokuma File 4
Yosai's Note
Yosai's Bathroom

Isoshi Tatsuno: Maybe they never left the room? Blended in with the confusion.

Keina Hagihara: Doesn't seem likely. Yosai was bleeding a lot. They were bound to get some on them, and we'd notice if someone was in the room with a whole lotta blood on 'em.

Emiko Yukimori: Maybe they washed it off? The water wasn't shut off, so it might've been possible.

Arisa Ryuzaki: They'd be soaked.... unless they dried themselves with a towel.

Takayuki Uesaka: So now the question is one of who could've busted into his room....

Mizuki Kokatsu: No, something isn't right..... On paper, that theory could be true, but in practice.....

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