Chapter One - The Angels of Despair Laugh at Our Hope (Daily Life)

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Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (2)

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Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (2)

You must kill someone if you want to leave.

The gym was quiet, everyone processing what we had all gotten ourselves into. The silence was unbearable. The reality, the absolute, undeniable reality, was that we really were trapped. The windows, the giant metal hatch, the cameras mounted with guns... They all were meant to keep us stuck in here until someone snapped.

The worst part? I could imagine it. I could imagine someone becoming so desperate that they murdered a classmate. These dark thoughts swallowed up my mind, showing me mental images I didn't want to see.

I desperately needed something to snap me out of this downward spiral. She came at just the right time.

"What's gotten into y'all!?" Keina shouted. Her words echoed off the walls of the gym.

Now Playing - Beautiful Death

"Are you just gonna give up!? Yeah, we're stuck. Is that any reason to lie down and wait until we all grow old and die!? We're highschoolers! We have our whole lives ahead of us! I can't imagine all of you would give that up just 'cause some tiny robotic plushie told you to!"

"Yeah.... Yeah, you're right!" Baiko caught on first. "I still need to make it into a pro soccer team! I can't afford to stay here!"

Kat was next. "I might've proven my worth in rollerskating to Japan, but I haven't made my name known to the world! I need to get out!"

Daichi followed his sister. "Geology is a job that never ends. The depths of the Earth have more surprises than anyone could count. It's my job to make sure we find them! To to that, I need to escape!"

One by one, we each made our own declaration of our intent to leave. Some were as simple as a desire to survive, while others preached about how they still have to live their lives out. Monokuma, who watched it all transpire, didn't like it at all.

"No, no, no, no, no! You're supposed to be fighting! You're supposed to be holding grudges against one another! You're supposed to want to kill each other!" His actions were what could best be described as throwing a tantrum.

"Sorry, Mono-Two-Tone. We have reasons to do exactly the opposite of what you say." Kat smirked defiantly.

Monokuma growled, then disappeared. I couldn't explain it. One minute he was there, the next he was gone.

"Well, now that he's gone, we should explore the school. Wandering around clueless won't help anyone." Serena suggested, completely unfazed by Monokuma's magic trick.

"That's certainly true." Arisa agreed. "We need to know where everything is around here. Don't wanna get lost."

Serena nodded, then reached for the gym's door. We all piled out, systematically searching every inch of the school. What we found out? For starters, each and every window plate was bolted on tightly. Escape through the windows wasn't an option.

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