Chapter Six - Trust is a Capital Offense (Class Trial, Part Two)

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Now Playing - Mr. Monokuma After Class

Aiko Hekima: Kyahahahaaaa!! Ah.... finally, I'm out of that tacky little dress!

Mizuki Kokatsu: What.....?

I wasn't surprised at the fact that she was the mastermind. No, that wasn't surprising at all. What was surprising was the fact that she had changed outfits in an instant-- from her simple red dress to a regal, pimped-up gown in a few seconds flat.

Aiko Hekima: Well, now that I'm here.....

Aiko Hekima: Hello, Hope's Peak Academy!! How are we doing tonight!?

She spoke like she was a gameshow host, or a musician on stage trying to get the crowd hyped up.

Mizuki Kokatsu: .....

Aiko Hekima: I can't hear you!!

Aiko Hekima: .....

Aiko Hekima: Aw, man! You guys are no fun!

Aiko Hekima: Aw, man! You guys are no fun!

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Keina Hagihara: What..... what is..... Aiko, what's going on!?

Aiko Hekima: Oh, I kinda forgot you existed for a sec. Ugh.

Keina Hagihara: S-stop it, this isn't funny!!

Aiko Hekima: Just my luck, huh? I haaaaaad to get paired with the dumb one.

Keina Hagihara: D-dumb--?

Aiko Hekima: Did Mizuki's Closing Argument thing not make it clear enough? Are you really that stupid? Do you want me to spell it out for you? Fine! I A-M T-H-E M-A-S-T-E-R-M-I-N-D! I am the mastermind!

Keina Hagihara: N-no, you're.... you're--

Aiko Hekima: The mastermind! The villain! The psychopathic, evil mass murderer!

Keina Hagihara: Th-this isn't.... stop it, this isn't funny.....

Aiko Hekima: What's wrong, Keina? Don't you feel betrayed? Don't you feel angry? Where's your fury? Where's your fucking rage?

Keina Hagihara: Th-this can't be happening.... this is a dream, Keina. Wake up, wake up, wake up....!

Aiko Hekima: You said you'd kill me when you found out who I was. You did say that, didn't you? Well, come on. Come on up and choke the life right out of me. You know you want to.

Keina Hagihara: S-stop talking. Y-you're not real. You're not real. Not.... not real.

Aiko Hekima: Oh, I'm plenty real. This isn't a dream. This is the final Class Trial!! Kyahahahaha!

Mizuki Kokatsu: Stop acting so high-and-mighty. Now that we've found you out, it's over. You can stall the vote all you want, but at the end of the day, you still have to abide by your own rules. You have to execute yourself.

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