Chapter Three - Morning Roses, Mourning Roses (Daily Life Part 1)

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Mizuki's POV

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Mizuki's POV

Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (1)





The clock's hands clicked as they recorded the time, moving at a snail's pace.

Currently, it was 6:47 in the morning. The trial of Haruko Kobayashi had concluded thirty minutes prior.

Haruko has been dead for half an hour now.

What is he feeling right now, in the afterlife? Did he believe in the afterlife? I would never know.

No matter what he believed, it doesn't change the fact that he's dead.

.....I can't get that image out of my mind.....

Haruko's broken body, laying on the ground, surrounded by giant chess pieces.

And that brought back memories of Kyoji, slumped over a window seat table, his head bleeding from such a heavy injury he was dead without a doubt.

Which brought back memories of Daichi's execution, how he was so close to surviving only to be impaled as his horrified sister watched.

And... Hayato.... Limp on the dining hall tile.... When I first saw him like that..... I knew..... The game had finally begun.

And now, Monokuma had revealed that one of us was responsible for all our suffering.

Who was it?

It could be anyone.

I don't want to believe that it could be anyone.

But.... If I ever find out who it is.....

I'm going to kill them.

Yeah.... I'm gonna kill them.

That makes me feel a little better.

*ding dong, bing bong*

I let out a sigh and started reciting the morning announcement along with Monokuma.

"Gooood morning, everyone! It is now 7 AM, and night time is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beautiful day!"

How long had we been here?

Were our families looking for us?

How would they react....

When they found their child was dead?




Maybe I should go to the dining hall.

Slowly, I sat up and rolled off the bed.

I flicked on the lights and rubbed my eyes.

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