Chapter Two - Only The Silent Will Survive (Class Trial)

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(A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to produce! I had writer's block and low motivation to finish it, due to the sheer amount of content packed in to the chapter. Hopefully it meets your expectations!)

Now Playing - Class Trial [Dawn]

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Emiko Yukimori: Yes, we know this already.....

Monokuma: Well, I know how forgetful you kids can get! Just a reminder!

Isoshi Tatsuno: Thank you, but the reminder is not nee-

Baiko Tanifuji: Hey, guys? I think I know who did it.

Mizuki Kokatsu: What? Already?

Baiko Tanifuji: Yep!

Yosai Kabuto: Well, please, tell us who the subject of your enthusiastic accusations is.

Baiko Tanifuji: Well, my gut's telling me that the killer is.... Kat.

Now Playing - Class Trial [Chaos]

Katsumi Midori: What!?

Baiko Tanifuji: I dunno, it's just a hunch. But- and forgive me for bringing this up- if she was willing to kill her own brother in that fight, then who knows what she'd be capable of?

Aiko Hekima: Th-that's some weak logic, Baiko....

Katsumi Midori: P-plus, the fight, for all intents and purposes, was a battle to the death so one of us could survive....

Katsumi Midori: I'd really not like to talk about it.

Baiko Tanifuji: ...It kinda sounds like you're avoiding my arguments here.

Katsumi Midori: No! No, I'm not!

Make Your Argument!

Now Playing - Argument [Turn Up the Heat]

Truth Bullets:

Kyoji's Note
Yosai's Account
Scene of the Murder
Missing Dumbbell

Baiko Tanifuji: Say, if Kat was the killer, I could see how she would've done it.

Baiko Tanifuji: She asked Kyoji to meet her outside the dorm rooms....

Baiko Tanifuji: Then murdered him, picked him up, and carried him to the second floor.

Baiko Tanifuji: Case closed.

Serena Utahoshi: Your logic is incredibly stupid.....

Baiko Tanifuji: But I don't think you can exactly prove me wrong, can you?

Mizuki Kokatsu: No, I found evidence directly contradicting his points. I know that Kat's innocent!

Truth Bullets:

Kyoji's Note
Yosai's Account
Scene of the Murder
Missing Dumbbell

Baiko Tanifuji: Say, if Kat was the killer, I could see how she would've done it.

Baiko Tanifuji: She asked Kyoji to meet her outside the dorm rooms....

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