Chapter Three - Morning Roses, Mourning Roses (Deadly Life)

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Arisa's POV

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Arisa's POV

Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (2)

*ding dong, dong ding*

"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, a Class Trial will begin! Everyone, please gather in the game room!"

A sickening feeling flooded the pit of my stomach. I looked over at Serena, and she looked back at me.

We were both thinking the same thing: "Mizuki discovered a body."

Serena broke into a run, heading to the game room. I followed her, desperately trying to keep up.

When we reached the game room, I paused for a moment.


Why did someone have to kill again?

I grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

"My god." I whispered.

Namika's hanging from the ceiling, a stab wound in her abdomen.

I put one hand on Mizuki's shoulder, causing her to swiftly turn around and grab onto me. Her breath is shaky, and it's clear she's absolutely terrified.

I held Mizuki close to me as one by one, everyone came in.

I didn't pay attention to their reactions. The only thing I could think of is how someone else is going to die tonight.

And how that "someone else" just may be the spotless this time.

"Well, well, well!" Monokuma chimed in. "Guess someone finally bit the bullet! As always, the Monokuma File has been delivered to your handbooks! Happy investigating!"

I took my handbook out of my pocket and navigated to the new Monokuma File.

"The victim is Namika Hatake, the Ultimate Archer. The time of death is estimated to be 3:05 A.M. The body was discovered in the game room. The cause of death is unknown. The victim sustained a single deep stab wound to the abdomen. The skin around the neck is abraded in such a way that suggests hanging. However, it's unknown which wound, if either, was inflicted post-mortem."

Truth Bullet Added - Monokuma File 3

"'The cause of death is unknown,' my ass." I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around, and it was then I realized just how small the room was. Everyone was crowded near each other, not even a foot of space between them. I looked from face to face, and that's when I realized....

Someone's missing.

"....Where's Baiko?" I asked.

Everyone looked around at each other, small whispers of concern echoing across the room.

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