Chapter Three - Morning Roses, Mourning Roses (Class Trial)

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Arisa's POV

Now Playing - Class Trial (Dawn)

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Mizuki Kokatsu: O-okay.... This is actually happening..... what do we do...?

Isoshi Tatsuno: There's nothing we can do except debate.

Takayuki Uesaka: Riiiighhht..... So, um..... Just to cover our bases, what happens if there are two different killers?

Monokuma: Ah-ha! I know the answer to this one! The true blackened of this case is the one whose victim was discovered first!

Serena Utahoshi: In this case, Namika's killer.

Monokuma: Precisely!

Yosai Kabuto: I suppose that means we should start talking about her cause of death.

Keina Hagihara: Either stabbed once in the abdomen or hung from the ceiling. Seems simple enough.

Emiko Yukimori: But that doesn't give us any info on who did it, only how they did it.

Aiko Hekima: W-well, it had to be a boy, right...? All the girls were in Keina's room that night.

Arisa Ryuzaki: It's true that all the girls were at Keina's sleepover, but that doesn't prove our innocence. After all, if none of the girls could leave, how did Namika get into the game room in the middle of the night?

Serena Utahoshi: That's true. According to her Monokuma File, she was killed just after the clock struck three. If that had happened while we were in Keina's dorm, we all would've woken up.

Keina Hagihara: Yeah, but... I locked the door. Nobody could get in or out without unlocking it, and since I had my key on me the whole time, it couldn't have been done by any of the guys.

Takayuki Uesaka: So, Nami was dragged out by her killer?

Mizuki Kokatsu: That... would've made a lot of noise.

Serena Utahoshi: .....Namika left of her own accord.

Isoshi Tatsuno: What? She left of her own free will? Why?

Serena Utahoshi: I don't know, but it has to be a key part of this case.

Takayuki Uesaka: It's not like she could've set an alarm to remind her to leave. Like you guys keep saying, it would've woken you all up.

Serena Utahoshi: It's possible she could've woken up as a reaction to something.

Emiko Yukimori: A reaction to something....? Like what?

Serena Utahoshi: Perhaps a movement that nobody else heard, or someone talking in their sleep.

Yosai Kabuto: But if that theory is correct, whatever she reacted to must have come from inside the room. After all, each dorm is completely soundproofed.

Katsumi Midori: Hold on. Why are we all assuming she woke up? Isn't it possible she never went to sleep in the first place?

Arisa Ryuzaki: Well..... that theory does have some validity....

Katsumi Midori: And wasn't she hung? I didn't really investigate the crime scene all that much, but hanging....? That makes it seem like she killed herself, doesn't it?

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