Chapter One - The Angels of Despair Laugh at Our Hope (Deadly Life)

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Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (2)

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Now Playing - Despair Syndrome (2)

I let out a scream of horror. Someone had done it. Someone had actually committed murder, and their victim was Hayato. Why would someone do this? I fell to my knees, shaking and letting out tiny sobs.

*Ding dong, dong ding*

Monokuma's dreadful voice rang over the loudspeakers. "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, a Class Trial will begin! Everyone, please make your way to the dining hall!"

Hayato's dead. Hayato's dead. Hayato's-

Serena grabbed me by my sweater and pulled me up off the ground. "I know how you must feel, Mizuki, but we can't waste any time mourning him. Who knows how long we have until the trial?"

It didn't take long for everyone to come clamoring in. I heard terror-filled screams from behind me, but I couldn't register who they belonged to.

"Oh, God! This can't be happening! I-is Mr. Morihei really dead!?"

"D-dammit! Who did this!?"

"KYAAAAAAAAA! Th-there's no way....!"

It took Serena shouting at them all before they quieted down. "EVERYBODY, QUIET!" She bellowed. "We need to investigate his death or we're all good as executed. Remember the rules?"

There was silence for a long while. During this silence, Monokuma appeared. "Well, well, well! It looks like someone finally built up the nerve to kill someone! Guess this must be a memento Morihei for you all! Now then, I don't want you to go blindly stumbling around the crime scene without a clue of what you're doing, so everybody please open your handbooks!"

We did as we were told and watched as a new tab opened. It was labeled Monokuma File.

"This is the Monokuma File! It contains everything on record about the murder in question! Go ahead and read it!"

Hands still shaking, I navigated to the new tab. It boiled down the murder to its simplest parts.

"The victim is Hayato Morihei, the Ultimate Forensic Scientist. The time of death is estimated to be 9:45 - 9:50 PM. The body was discovered in the dining hall. All evidence suggests the body was not moved after the victim's death. The cause of death was a stab to the throat. In addition to the fatal wound, the victim also has a head wound. Specifically, blunt trauma to the back of the head. There are no other wounds on the victim's body."

Truth Bullet Added - Monokuma File 1

"Okay, you can all go around asking alibis and investigating the crime scene. Just... don't. Touch. Anything. Got it?" Serena instructed.

I wiped away my tears and started looking at the crime scene with more focused eyes.

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