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Blindly following Jungkook around the store, you tried your best to look like you knew what you were looking for

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Blindly following Jungkook around the store, you tried your best to look like you knew what you were looking for. But with all the different brands that you weren't familiar with, you had no idea if you were fixing to make a great meal, or a complete disaster.

You just grabbed anything that looked somewhat appetising along with a lot of fruit and vegetables, at least those looked the same.

"So Y/N, how are you liking it here so far?" Jungkook enquired as the two of you stand over the banana stand.

"It's different." You smiled up at him. "But I guess different is good."

And it is. It's good to be away from what you would consider the norm and get away from what you would normally choose to do. It's like here, you can be anyone you want to be. If you want to be a crazy party girl, you can. If you want to pretend to be some glamorous model type, that's fine too. No one here knows you from Adam so if you want to flirt with every man that crosses your path, go for it!

"Do you maybe want to go grab a bite to eat after this?" Jungkook asks, catching you off guard. "I know a good Italian place not too far from here."

"That sounds nice actually." You nod, internally applauding yourself for saying yes for the second time today. You're on a roll!

"Good." He grins, reaching out to take your hand which makes you jump slightly before you let yourself be dragged along behind him. "Let's go checkout and get going."

"Y-yeah sure..."

Looking down at his hand firmly wrapped around yours, you were suddenly not so confident. You had never met a man so forward as Jungkook. He has known you for mere hours and yet he's confident enough to hold your hand in public as if the two of you were dating. What kind of man is so comfortable with himself that he will hold a practical stranger's hand in the supermarket?

And then it dawned on you as he began loading his things on the conveyor belt with your hand still locked onto his.

He's handsome, well kept, bubbly, extremely friendly.

He's gay.


"Ah what?" He frowns at you, still loading his shopping as you grin up at him.

"Nothing. Something just clicked, that's all."

"Hmm" he hums, letting go of your hand to let you load your own shopping onto the conveyor belt.

Mindlessly throwing your stuff on the rolling belt, you begin to think even harder. It makes sense really. He's well kept, naturally kind, outgoing and smart. A real catch in any woman's eye. But you know what they say, the best ones are always married, if not, they're gay.

Sighing quietly to yourself as you see your budding romance float right out of the window, you then think about how kind he actually has been towards you. Taken you under his wing in an instant like a true friend. And you are certainly not in any position to turn down anyone wanting to be your friend.

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