The Royal High

487 38 62

I write pretty how do I keep pushing out chapters so often? I think it's because my mental health is SCARY. writing helps me cope, so I spend large portions of the day just writing. 0-0

W// Dr*gs, D*pression

Bad snuggled with Skeppy as he cried. He wasn't sure what to say or do to make him stop.

Skeppy kept crying until he was suffocating himself. He coughed, and gasped for air.

Bad sat up and rubbed his back. "Shh, don't overwhelm yourself. You're okay, I'm right here with you." Bad tried to dry his eyes.

Skeppy sniffled and stopped himself from crying, only because he wanted to breath again. He laid his head on Bad's pillow and shakily got his breathing back to normal.

Bad played with his messed up hair. "You don't have to panic, I'm not mad at you for saying that. You're allowed to feel that way, a lot of people do."

Skeppy rubbed his eyes and kept sniffling, trying to clear his nose.

"The important thing is now I know, and I can help you. No one is angry at you for wanting to die." Bad frowned. He might not of been angry, but he was heartbroken. "Do you think there's something that can make you feel better?"

Skeppy shook his head no. Though there was something on his mind.

"Try to think of something, alright? Whatever it is, we can try it." Bad went to kiss Skeppy on the lips, but he turned away.

Skeppy could feel the tension build, as Bad's mood shifted for a second.

"Why can't I kiss you, honey muffin?"

Skeppy buried his face in the pillow.

Bad was hurt but respected his choice. "Maybe we should find you a therapist."

"It won't help..." Skeppy mumbled.

Bad looked down, knowing they didn't always help. He had been to one once. Before he met Skeppy. "Not always, but I'm sure sometimes they do."

"I'm not going to one."

"Okay, that's fine. I won't force you." Bad stood up and took a deep breath. "I'm going to go get Duckie from Sam. I was only supposed to be gone for a minute. Be right back, okay?" Bad left the room and went to get Duckie.

Duckie seemed to be busy helping Sam bake muffins. He was stirring the ingredients together messily. Sam would clean up after.

Bad covered his mouth so he could awe quietly. "Awe..."

Sam turned around and smiled. "Hey, we're just making muffins. I know you haven't had any in awhile."

"Yeah, been too distracted to eat muffins." Bad walked over and watched Duckie mix up the ingredients. "I think he's going to be a little baker when he's older."

"Or a lawyer" Sam laughed.


"I don't know, he gives me that feeling."

Bad giggled and helped Duckie pour the batter into the muffin tray. "He can be whatever you wants, the world is full of possibilities."

Sam paused, then gave Bad a look. "You do realize he won't actually have to work right? Incase you forgot, you're a royal family."

Bad was hit by a reality that most would find ideal. "Right...he's a prince." Bad wished Duckie could have a role in society, other than sitting around being special. Having royal duties was hard, but not as challenging as being a commoner.

Sam nodded "yup! No working for him. Until he becomes king. Which will be YEARS from now." He took the tray and put the muffins in the oven.

"Yeah...I got to go back to Skeppy, thanks for watching the baby."

"Don't mention it."

Bad walked back upstairs holding the toddler. "Your daddy isn't feeling good, let's go cuddle with him." He went back to the bedroom, hoping Skeppy wasn't crying again.

Skeppy wasn't still crying, but he was sitting up with a guilty expression.

Bad walked over and stared at him, reading him like a book. "What is it? Did you do something?"

Skeppy shook his head, trying to hide something in the blanket.

"Skeppy, what is it?" Bad noticed him shuffling something around under the blankets. "You need to show me whatever it is. I'll find out on my own if I have to."

Duckie looked at Skeppy, while chewing on his little fingers.

Skeppy whined "please don't be mad..."

"I might just have to get mad this time, what is it?" Bad was stern and serious now. Hiding something meant he wasn't supposed to have it. There wasn't many things he wasn't allowed to have.

Skeppy reached under the blanket and pulled out an incriminating baggy. He handed it to Bad, who just stared daggers into his soul.


Bad lifted up the bag of mystery substances. He didn't even need to ask where it came from. "Why is Quackity giving you drugs?"

"How do you-"


"I-I asked?"

Bad gasped and took a couple steps closer to the other. "you what?!"

"I asked for them!"

Duckie reached out for the bag, wondering what it was.

Bad quickly dropped it before he could touch it. "No Duckie, That's bad. No touching." He was gentle with the baby, then lost his temper with Skeppy. "Why are you bringing illegal drugs into our castle?!"

"I wanted them..."

"For what?!"

"To get high, you idiot!"

"Why?!" Bad's voice cracked slightly.

"Because I don't know how else to cope, alright?! Quackity said they'd help."

"Sk-eppy" Bad teared up angrily. "you can't take drugs."

"I already did. I have been for the past two haven't been around to notice."

Bad felt a pain go through his heart. Disappoinment tarnished his love for Skeppy, temporarily. Only temporarily. "I can't believe you...I've been busy raising our son. I'm not trying to avoid you, I'm literally too busy to spend time with you. Like right now...I should be doing paperwork. Instead here I am, trying to make you feel better. How do you repay me for being your little slave? You go do drugs!" Bad was going in on him, he had a lot of pent up anger.

"I don't know how to cope!"

"I understand you're suffering, but that's not an excuse. You're going to start doing your duties. I can't be here to hold your hand and help you through everything. We have a CHILD now. Grow up, and get rid of whatever Quackity gave you." Bad started to walk out of the room.


"Your not welcome around the baby until you get rid of the drugs." Bad said finally and walked down the steps. He needed to cool off. Once he was calm again, he realized he might of lost control. Skeppy didn't deserve that harsh of a scolding, did he?

Skeppy picked up the bag of drugs and put them back in his pocket. They helped him relax temporarily, but only temporarily. He knew his relationship with Bad was on thin ice. If he had the guts, he'd just leave. Go back to his kingdom where he could be a single prince. The only problem was, he loved his family. Even if he felt like he didn't sometimes. He loved them.

The Muffiny Family (Skephalo Triquel) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now