"She'll be here any minute, come downstairs with me." Bad whined at his stubborn husband.
"You want me to greet the crazy ghost lady? I don't want to be involved!" Skeppy whined back.
"She's not a 'crazy ghost lady'. She's just some sort of paranormal investigator." Bad tried to explain it to him.
"That's just a fancy way of saying ghost lady." Skeppy argued.
"I- fine, ghost lady does kind of sound nicer. Come see the ghost lady with me." Bad took Skeppy's hand and dragged him downstairs.
The paranormal investigator was escorted in by a guard, after being checked for weapons.
"Hello, your highnesses!" She greeted them with a smile, and bowed.
"Hello, thank you so much for coming." Bad thanked her before she even did anything.
"No problem, I'm honored. Should we just get right to it then?"
"Yeah, that would be great." Bad tried to remain polite as Skeppy was embarrassingly hiding behind him.
The lady looked at Skeppy like he was a small child. "Awe, is he shy?"
"I wish..." Bad mumbled and pulled Skeppy next to him. "Say hello Skeppy."
Skeppy waved slightly.
"Ah... okay, let's begin." She was getting weird vibes from Skeppy at first.
"Perfect, where do we start?"
"Well first I just want to ask what kind of paranormal activities are you experiencing?"
"Knocking, tapping, he makes the floor squeak. Sometimes we hear small little cries at night. Our daughter has said she's seen the ghost." Bad responded to her question.
"Oh wow, interesting. Do you feel like this is a dangerous presence?"
"Well I know when he was alive, he was a good person. At least to my knowledge." Bad wasn't extremely close with Wilbur.
"Good, so he probably doesn't want to hurt you.I believe your butler told me he died down in the doctor's room."
"Yeah, that's where he died."
"How long ago was that?"
"Oh...awhile now. I don't remember actually." Bad frowned.
"That's alright. He hasn't been active until now?"
The lady put her bag down and looked around the area. "Has anything changed lately?"
"What do you mean, changed?" Skeppy finally got involved.
"Another death, someone visited that never usually does. Just a couple examples."
"We had a teenage girl staying here?" Bad replied.
"Well I highly doubt a teenage girl is messing with the paranormal. How is your mental health?" She asked as if she were a therapist.
"Uh, good?" Skeppy hesitated to respond.
"Ghosts need energy to use, and they love to thrive off intense emotions. Fear and sadness are very powerful feelings. A change in your mental stability could of gave him the energy he needed."
"Oh shit!" Skeppy gasped, knowing they had plenty of fear and sadness.
"But we've always been sad and scared around here, it never did anything." Bad admitted to her.

The Muffiny Family (Skephalo Triquel) Completed
FanfictionBad and Skeppy raise their son Duckie, while trying to keep their marriage together. They learn that life is never easy. *Marked as mature for violence, language, and sexual jokes. No smut scenes.*