The Privilege Vaccine

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TW// Mentions of H*m*phobia, and R*cism throughout this chapter.

Bad felt a little off for a few days after the incident. He couldn't believe prince Wilbur died in his castle. He should of died in his own, if he had to go. He lost a lot of sleep over it. Wishing he could of done more to help Wilbur.

He laid on the sofa, with Duckie on his chest. "are you sure you don't want to go play?"

Duckie pouted and cuddled into Bad. Bad felt like Duckie knew he was sad.

"Okay, we can have snuggle time then." Bad smiled at the child sweetly.

Skeppy came by, looking for Sam. "Hey, have you seen Sam? I want him to make me some tea."

"I have no idea, check the garden." Bad yawned.

Skeppy walked over and kissed his cheek. "you feeling better today?"

"A bit, thank you." Bad rubbed Duckie's back. "Your son is being clingy today."

"Why is he only my son when he's doing something annoying?" Skeppy joked.

"Sorry, I meant our son, and it's not annoying. He's only a kid once. One day he'll be a moody teenager."

"True" Skeppy laughed. "I'm going to join snuggle time after I finish writing a letter."

"Okay, we'll be waiting." Bad assured him.


Skeppy returned after an hour, surprised that Bad was still on the couch with Duckie. He figured by now he would of moved. "Lazy day for you both huh?"

Bad yawned and nodded. "You get a lazy day everyday, we want a turn." Bad giggled and moved over. "Are you joining us?"

Skeppy nodded and squeezed on the couch with them. It was kind of a small sofa. Skeppy wrapped an arm around Bad and looked down at Duckie. "Hey little man, what's going on?"

Duckie wiggled over to Skeppy, laying on him instead. "Daddy!"

Skeppy looked at Bad for a moment, giving him a strange yet cute look.

"What's wrong?" Bad tilted his head.

"Sorry, I just...he's ours, and sometimes I can't believe it. Like we just get to have this tiny human, and he's ours. We get to keep him forever."

Bad burst out laughing. "Pfft, what? That's kind of how having kids works Skeppy- you have one, and you keep them forever and raise them."

"Yeah but...I don't know." Skeppy pat Duckie on the back. "What did we do to deserve him?"

Bad shrugged "I don't know? Puffy just decided we should have him."

"Yeah..." Skeppy sighed. "I wonder if she'll change her mind one want him back?"

"I don't think she would. Even if she did want to be involved in his life...I don't think she'd take him away from us."

"I hope you're right..."


The family stayed on the couch together for an hour. Before finally Skeppy stretched and sat up. "I've got to go write again."

Bad nodded "okay, Duckie is asleep anyway, I should go lay him've been writing a lot, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, you just don't usually reply to letters unless it's something important."

"Oh no, nothing's wrong. Just been keeping in touch with my mom actually."

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