The Separation Depression

400 31 68

TW// Mentions of S*lf H*rm, and a*use

Skeppy and Bad tried their best to keep custody of Duckie. Since they were kings, the judge decided to let them keep Duckie. The problem was though, everyone in the kingdom knew about this now.

Strangers would harass them in the street, and going out without a guard was a stupid idea. They constantly had threats being sent, and they started fearing for their safety. Everyone in their kingdom seemed to be against them. For not handing Duckie over to his biological father.

Eventually, Bad had to break. The countless letters telling him he wasn't a good father got to him. He talked to Skeppy about it, and they made the hard decision.

They stood by the main entrance, waiting for Duckie's dad to show up. Bad was cradling Duckie like a newborn, taking in every last moment.

Skeppy held Duckie's bags, that held all of his belongings. "I can't believe we're doing this..."

Bad was biting his lip until it bled, not wanting to breakdown in front of his son. "This is probably...f-for the best."

Skeppy took a deep breath. For some reason he didn't feel as devastated as Bad. It was because now he had a biological child, that he was a bit more attached to. "Jackie is so upset...they were just getting close with each other."

Jackie was in her room, with Sam comforting her. She didn't want to see him leave. She had said her goodbyes earlier.

"I know...I know Skeppy." Bad took some shaky deep breaths. He looked into Duckie's eyes. "I love you so better remember me somehow. Don't think I wanted to abandon you."

Bad wished he could keep Duckie, but it was too dangerous. This was the safest option for everyone involved. Hopefully once Duckie was with his dad, the threats and harassment would stop. That way they could live their lives without risking death, whenever they step outside.

Puffy walked past them quickly, not making eye contact. She didn't even look up.

Bad sniffled as he knew the man would be here any minute to take his baby.


Duckie's father showed up, and stood in front of the kings. Waiting patiently for his son.

A guard stood by Bad and Skeppy, making sure no one got hurt.

Skeppy handed over Duckie's bags, tears finally trickling down his face. It felt real now, Duckie was leaving.

Bad was a mess, crying and shaking. He held onto Duckie like his life depended on it, and it basically did. "I c-can't-"

"We have an agreement, please give him to me." The man held out his arms.

Bad shook his head and turned away from them. Now that it was happening, he didn't have the strength to do it. "h-he's m-mine."

"But he's not...he's mine in every way." The man tried to be patient. Knowing the guard would throw him out for getting too aggressive with the kings.

" agreed to do this." Skeppy rubbed his eyes and sniffled. "Don't make this harder on us."

Bad simply shook his head.

", it's for the best..." Skeppy tried to take the kid from Bad, thinking it would be easier that way. Bad wasn't cooperative, he shoved Skeppy away. "Don't touch him!"

Skeppy frowned and turned to the guy. "Can you wait outside? It might be easier to get the baby're not here."

The man went with it, and waited outside.

The Muffiny Family (Skephalo Triquel) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now