The Picnic Desires

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Skeppy and Bad woke up peacefully together. In the cottage with no disturbances.  Bad honestly missed Duckie, and wished he could say good morning to him.

W// Sexual Joke

Skeppy sat up and stretched, running his hand through his messy hair. He looked around, noticing his clothes were on the floor. While grinning, he put his hand on Bad's back. "Wild night, huh?"

Bad rolled his eyes and slowly sat up. "Wild? More like moody. You woke up in the middle of the night, complaining that it was too hot."

"It was!"

"We could of opened a window, you didn't have to get naked!"

"I'm not NAKED."

"Oh yeah because your underwear can hide your big-"

"Woah, my what?" Skeppy giggled like a child.


"You mean my-"

"Don't say it!"

"Okay, fine!"

Warning Over (may be a couple slightly suggestive comments beyond this.)

The two lovers got ready for the day. Bad sat on the bed, looking at photos of Duckie. While waiting for Skeppy to finish his routine in the bathroom.

"Almost ready, muffin?"

"Almost! I'm exfoliating."

"Okay" Bad giggled slightly and looked lovingly at the photos. He'd do anything to bring Rosie back for Puffy, but he was glad he got to keep Duckie. Duckie was sometimes the only reason he got up in the morning. He had wanted to give up multiple times in his life. Even though he'd never want to tell Skeppy that.

TW// Mentions of Su!c!dal Thoughts

Bad had thought about ways to end his life at least three times. When he was 16, was the first time he got the feeling. While practicing archery one day, he accidentally hit someone walking by. The person ended up getting an infection, and died from it. It took him a lot of counseling to get through it.

The second time was when he realized he liked boys. He wanted to die to avoid the public shaming, but thankfully he stayed.

The third was when Skeppy cheated on him. He didn't feel like enough. Like he wasn't what Skeppy needed. Bad still wasn't completely recovered from it. He still faced intense insecurity.


Once the love doves were ready, they went into a nearby shop and bought some snacks. Mostly consisting of blueberry muffins, caramel chocolates, and jelly beans.

Then they went back to the cottage. They took one of the blankets from the cottage, and laid it out on the grass. Right beside the lake.

Both of them sat together happily, and nibbled on their snack choices. Skeppy moved in close and leaned his head on Bad's shoulder.

"This is nice...I feel better already." Skeppy let out a relaxed sigh.

"Yeah, I feel great too Geppy..." Bad took a bite out of his muffin, while watching the nature surrounding them.

Skeppy took a jelly bean, and attempted to toss it up and catch it in his mouth. It ended up hitting him in the eye.

"Ow!!!" He dramatically screamed as if he was just jabbed with a rusty knife.

The Muffiny Family (Skephalo Triquel) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now