The Scented Memories

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"Oh shush, I bet you didn't." Bad took it as a joke.

"No...I did." Drista put the knife down and stared down at the outfit she borrowed from Puffy. It definitely wasn't what she'd normally wear, and she thought it was painfully ugly. At least it didn't irritate her sides.

"Oh okay, you want me to believe you stabbed someone?" Bad said sarcastically

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"Oh okay, you want me to believe you stabbed someone?" Bad said sarcastically.

"No! I did!" Drista raised her voice. "It was self-defense, and I didn't mean to do it. It just happened."

Bad went silent, and watched the look on her face. He could tell she wasn't lying. "Oh my gosh!"

Drista got up. "I'm going to my room now..."

"We're not going to talk about you stabbing someone?" Bad was a bit scared of her now. He just had to trust that it really wasn't just for fun.

"It was self-defense, someone tried to hurt me first." Drista started walking to her room.

Bad trailed behind her, since he had to go that way anyway. "Okay...I believe you. Sometimes you have to defend yourself."

"Thank you..." Drista went into her room and closed the door.

Bad lingered outside the door for a second. "How about tomorrow we try archery?"


"Yeah, I've been wanting to try again."

"Alright, I'll try it."


Tomorrow came soon enough, and Bad had just finished getting ready for the day.

"Are you really taking her outside to do archery? I wouldn't trust her with a bow and arrow." Skeppy didn't agree with Bad's decision.

"It'll give her something to do. Dream will probably be coming to get her soon. She wrote letter to him, explaining why she's acting out." Bad walked over and fixed a couple pieces of Skeppy's hair. "I can definitely handle her, don't worry."

"Why is she acting out then?" Skeppy looked in the mirror, making sure his hair looked okay.

"Uh...She told me, but I don't think she'd want me telling people. We'll just say her family is treating her poorly."

Skeppy had a moment of empathy. "That sucks, but why does she want to go home so bad?"

"Well...Skeppy people tend to adjust to mistreatment. The way her parents treat her is normal to her. That's what feels like home to her. Once Dream comes back, he'll help her realize how badly she's being treated. Then she'll no longer want to be home."

"I guess...My sister had an abusive boyfriend once, and she didn't realize it. She loved him." Skeppy didn't speak about his sister very often, not after what happened. They never did learn all the details about her murder.

The Muffiny Family (Skephalo Triquel) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now