The Party Accidents

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Everything happened in front of Bad like it was a movie, or a sick story.

Everyone stared in horror, and froze in fear. Clearly too drunk to even form an appropriate response.

The only one that was helpful, was Technoblade. He ran over and kneeled down, helping Skeppy lay back on the ground properly.

Skeppy was just as traumatized as everyone staring at him, actually he was more traumatized. All he knew now was Bad shot him, he didn't know any better. The only sound he let out was a small whimper. Somehow that was worse than a scream. It proved he was in too much shock to register how painful it really was yet.

Technoblade easily found where the bullet went in, since Skeppy was wearing white. Techno swiftly pulled off his expensive pink jacket, and held it over the wound. He didn't seem scared like the others. He turned to Sam, who was shielding Jackie's eyes. "Get a carriage ready, don't just stand there!"

Sam gave Jackie to Puffy, and quickly ran to get the horses.

Bad still hadn't gained his ability to move. He kept replaying the archery incident over and over again in his head. He convinced himself this was the last time he would see Skeppy. He didn't even feel as if he deserved to say goodbye.

Puffy looked at him like he was a deranged monster. As she held Jackie, trying to calm her down.

Technoblade stopped the bleeding, While Skeppy started crying uncontrollably.

Bad didn't snap back to the world until Skeppy called for me.

"B-Bad- Bad!"

Bad kneeled by him. "I-" his words were taken from him when he tried to speak. There was just nothing in his mind besides the thought of Skeppy dying.

"W-why?" Skeppy looked up at him with betrayal, but still reached a hand out for him. Meaning he didn't plan on going to the hospital without him.

"I didn't-" Bad choked on his words, and started sobbing. He reached out and took Skeppy's hand.

"Maybe don't point guns at people." Techno spoke bluntly. "You got his shoulder, he'll be alright."

Bad didn't believe him. "I-I didn't do it."

"I suppose a ghost did it then?" Techno gazed at him.

"Well-" Bad wanted to say yes, but couldn't just blame Techno's dead brother for it in this moment. "I didn't pull the trigger!" Bad finally got out, before coughing again.

Skeppy squeezed Bad's hand and panted to keep up his breathing. He felt like the world was closing in on him. Even if he would be fine, he was still terrified.


Bad, Skeppy, And Technoblade sat in a carriage together. The others were waiting at the castle, to hear an update. Sam and Puffy were taking care of Jackie, who was crying for her dad.

Technoblade was pressured into going, because be wasn't panicking. He could take care of Skeppy on the ride without getting emotional.

Techno pressed down on the wound, making Skeppy yelp. "I'm sorry, but it's either this or death."

"Don't let me die!" Skeppy whined.

"I won't, this would be a cruel way to go."

Bad wanted to comfort Skeppy, but he struggled. The best he could do was hold his hand, and whisper promises. Promises he hoped he could keep.

"You'll be okay Skeppy, keep breathing."


They got to the hospital, and Technoblade tried to carry Skeppy in.

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