*Another One Month Timeskip because I don't want to bore you.*
+I'm so sleep deprived I hope this chapter is good, with not too many mistakes+
Getting legal custody of Jackson took a long time, but after a month they achieved it. Skeppy was legally in charge of him, and the man that abused Jackson wouldn't be free anytime soon.
Bad and Skeppy had visited Jackson in the hospital, and children's shelter for the whole month. They couldn't believe they were finally bringing him into the castle.
Bad stood in front of the castle with the boy, Jackson had his eyes covered. "Okay sweetheart, you're about to have your mind blown."
"I'm ready!" Jackson bounced up and down. He had been through a lot, physically he was recoverd. Though mentally he had some challenges to beat. Bad already had a child phycologist set up for him.
Skeppy watched his son get excited. "Now don't freak out. I know you're used to a little farm."
Jackson nodded, "won't freak out, can I look now?"
Bad giggled. "yes, take a look."
Jackson uncovered his eyes and took in the view of the castle. "WOAH! AWESOME!"
Bad and Skeppy were buzzing with joy. The child's happiness spread to them.
"Is this my home?!" Jackson gasped.
"Sure is!" Skeppy smiled and took his hand. "Let's go show you inside!"
They walked in, and Jackson looked around in pure amazement. "WOAH.... everything's shiny!"
Skeppy took him upstairs to the room that would be his. It was practically bare, it only had a basic kid bed in there for him. "This is your space cutie pie. We can decorate it however you want."
"However I want?" Jackson looked around.
"Yes! We can start planning tonight." Bad was so excited to give Jackson a better life. "Got any ideas?"
Jackson looked around. "Hm... unicorns..."
Skeppy looked around. "Unicorns, what else?"
"Mn... sparkles, shiny stuff."
"I'm liking this so far, what else?" Skeppy encouraged him.
"Nm... fairies?"
Bad kneeled down so be was closer to Jackson's height. "We can turn this room into an enchanted forest, whatever you want my little prince."
Jackson stared at Bad. He knew he was royalty, but that wasn't that important to him right now. "Yeah, I'm a prince now..."
Skeppy looked at Bad and mouthed the word 'girl'.
Bad immediately remembered something really important. "Oh, about that. You actually get to choose...do you want to be a prince or princess?"
Jackson thought about it. "Prince? Because I have boy parts."
"Parts don't matter, what does your mind tell you?" Bad waited patiently for the answer. The kid was taking a minute to find an answer.

The Muffiny Family (Skephalo Triquel) Completed
FanfictionBad and Skeppy raise their son Duckie, while trying to keep their marriage together. They learn that life is never easy. *Marked as mature for violence, language, and sexual jokes. No smut scenes.*