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Dainty piano music lilted through the air in the lobby of the very expensive hotel in Prague that Nadia and Peter's class had just walked into. Mr. Dell cut away to get their room keys and such, while Mr. Harrington brought up the rear.

"Wow, this place is classy." Betty mumbled, looping her arm through Ned's.

"Yeah, so why are we here," grumbled MJ.

A few feet away, Flash scoffed. "Speak for yourself. I'm home!"

Mr. Harrington swept in the door behind Nadia, who jumped when she started talking loudly right into her ear. "What can I say? The squeaky wheel gets the grease? Uh- everyone, get settled in, rest up, because tonight, big surprise, is Prague's annual..." He gestured animatedly to the sign behind them. "Carnival of lights!"

Nadia stiffened as she watched Peter part from the group with his phone up to his ear. Something about the look on his face told her that this wasn't Aunt May. Mr. Harrington went on about the festival and Nadia tried her best to listen in order to relieve herself from thinking about the things she needed to do that she was abandoning.

After Harrington dismissed them to their rooms, Nadia went over to where Peter and Ned stood, and she let a small smile grace her lips. "Come on guys, we all get our own rooms. Isn't that cool?"

Ned's face had paled slightly, and his eyes darted to her. "Does she know?"

Nadia raised an eyebrow. "Do I know what?"

Peter sighed. "She knows."

"About the fire monster? Do you know about the fire monster that's coming to kill us all tonight? That?" Ned grappled onto her shoulders, wide eyed and panicked.

"Yes, Ned, I know about the fire monster..." Nadia brushed him off, bristling slightly at the thought of Peter leaving them soon to go do Nick Fury's bidding. She knew he was saving the world and all but... she wished he didn't have to. "Peter's taking care of it, right?"

Peter heard the tightness in her voice, so his eyes darted away. "Yeah... yeah, I gotta go meet up with..." His sentence died as they met eyes. Her's were guilt ridden and tired, his apologetic and concerned.

"It's okay," she told him. "Go on, we'll.... We'll cover for you with Harrington." She took his duffel bag off his shoulder.

Peter's eyes glimmered again with an apology, but she looked away, starting down towards their rooms with Ned, so that they could get ready for the festival.

Feeling Ned's curious eyes on her as they walked down the fancily carpeted hall, Nadia did not look at him when she asked, "What?"

"Well... Just..." Ned stumbled over his words for a second. "Aren't you going with him?"

Nadia didn't answer, only shouldered her bag higher as they entered the elevator. The crease between her eyebrows had returned. Ned and Nadia were the last of their class to go up to their rooms, so they were alone in the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, Ned turned to look at her. "What's up with you lately?"

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