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"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE," smiled Ned, as she and Betty approached. Nadia glanced over her shoulder to see them, her hand clasped in Peter's. They stood in the airport awaiting a text from May or Stephen that they'd arrived to take them home.

Peter smiled at Betty. "Thanks," he grinned, looking to his girlfriend next. Nadia leaned into him, squeezing his hand. "Hey, I was thinking that maybe... maybe we should all go on a double date or something?"

"Oh," Betty and Ned said at the same time. "We broke up."

Nadia fought off a smile. Something about this was just so funny. "No, what? Why?"

"Men and women grow apart, but the journey they share together..." Ned nodded. "Will always be a part of them."

Betty's face turned stoic, and she touched his cheek. "You are so wise."

Nadia and Peter shared a look, as the blonde girl strode away towards her parents. They looked to their best friend for an explanation. Ned just shrugged, walking off after her.

"Okay, this... feels like the Twilight Zone," Nadia muttered. "Really though, when did he get so wise?"

Peter laughed, "C'mon..."

He tugged her through the airport, outside to where there was a line of cars parked (illegally) on the curb. A ways away was the Parker's station wagon, and behind it, a taxi with Stephen Strange leaned against it.

It was weird enough to see Stephen in jeans and a t-shirt, but even weirder to see him standing next to Peter's Aunt May. It was like... world's colliding. Her past with her present and, hopefully, her future. At one point, that thought might have terrified her, but it didn't anymore.

Nadia pulled Peter to a stop by the hand, causing him to frown slightly. "Hey, what's up-"

She kissed him swiftly and abruptly, stopping him mid sentence. Peter eventually began to curl into her, but she pulled away moments later. "I love you," she said, smiling.

His cheeks were pink, his eyes lidded lazily. "O-okay... I love you too, duh, but... what was that for?" Peter tilted his head to the side, like a cute little puppy.

"I'm not quite ready to get back to real life just yet, I guess... We barely got to enjoy our vacation," she sighed, running her hand up and down his arm softly. He smiled, taking her hands in his.

"Real life isn't that bad," he replied, with a grin. "Want to come over for dinner tonight? May's making meatloaf, so Happy will definitely be there too."

Nadia gave him a smirk. "So... like a double date, then?"

Peter shuddered. "Don't say that."

Laughing, she kissed the tip of his nose, unable to stop herself. It scrunched up quite adorably when she did so. "Could we hang out tomorrow?"

Peter nodded without hesitation. "Is this an 'invite Ned' hang out, or..."

"Let's let Ned take a day to deal with his break up, yeah?" she suggested with a wink. Peter grinned, leaning in to kiss her again, when suddenly-

"Oh! There he is! Please don't- don't give me a ticket-!" May was skipping over to them. She smiled at their intertwined hands, then at the charm around Nadia's neck. "I see he gave you his gift. He was so excited, he planned the whole thing out and-"

"Okay, May, she's... I've told her the story and all," Peter laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. Nadia just smiled.

"Nadia!" Stephen smiled and gestured with two fingers for her to meet him at the taxi. Nadia nodded, then turned to look at Peter. "Uh... see you soon?"

MAGIC TRICKS [PETER PARKER]Where stories live. Discover now