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I had chewed my nails down to the nub, pacing in front of the entrance to the convention center where the competition was to take place. There was no word from Peter, so Flash was bumped up, and I was a nervous wreck.

"I don't understand," I hissed lowly under my breath to Ned as we got in line to go through security. The yellow blazer I wore rubbed against my wrists uncomfortably. "He said he'd be back. Somethings not right, Ned," I persisted. Ned was turning off his phone, and he nodded. "I know. He's not answering my calls either."

"Please make sure to turn in all of your electronics, ma'am," one of the security officers said as I moved to go onto stage, cell phone in hand. Reluctantly, I gave the screen once last desperate glance and turned over the phone. From there, I followed Ned onto the stage, where the other team were already seated. Sitting down in between Michelle and Ned, I tried to push my worry into the back of my mind to take the written test.

The competition was going well- Midtown was winning for the most part, but in the last round, the second place team had caught up.

"We have now entered sudden death," the announcer said ominously, and I could feel my heart beating in my chest, "The next correct answer wins the championship."

The question was a math question- definitely not my strong suit. Many students went to work on their scratch paper, as I did, but one buzzer went off immediately. I glanced up in shock at Michelle, who had an apathetic look on her face. "Midtown Tech?" The announcer asked.

Michelle shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Zero."

"That's... correct."

The team erupted into gleeful shouts, jumping up with joy, and Ned and I wedged Michelle in between us, hugging the gently smiling girl tightly. "Yes! Yes!" Flash chanted, and Liz grinned, clapping her hands together as she waited her turn to embrace Michelle. "Midtown takes the championship!" Joy had infested in my chest, and a couldn't break the grin settled on my face.

Mr. Harrington greeted us offstage and we all piled into a group hug. I hugged Michelle separately afterward, and the girl squeezed her back. "Michelle, I think I'm in love with you," I said to her when we started walking out of the building, preparing to go to the Washington Monument, just across the road. Flash held the large trophy up in the air arrogantly.

Michelle gave me a shy, yet somehow arrogant  smile. "Told you we didn't need Peter!" Flash interrupted with a smirk, pushing through our conversation. I rolled my eyes. "Flash, you didn't answer a single question," Mr. Harrington commented. His smile faltered a little, but he still pushed on into the lobby of the monument proudly, starting to brag to one of the security guards about their award.

MAGIC TRICKS [PETER PARKER]Where stories live. Discover now