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THE AURA'S ANNOUNCEMENT OF HER SUPPORT DID NOT GO OVER WELL. Turns out, people were really opinionated about this, and weren't willing to change their minds, even if their favorite superhero told them otherwise.

May insisted she move into Happy's condo with her and Peter, to be safe. Even though no one but her friends, other heroes, and now Matt Murdock knew that Nadia was The Aura, she was still harassed on the street by Mysterio Supporters and Peter Haters.

Nadia  regretted moving in with Happy the moment he dubbed his condo as "the spiritual oasis."

Nonetheless, it was nice to get to live with her boyfriend. She had practically already lived at their apartment anyway, so this was not much different. But now they had to avoid going out as much as possible, and (bless his heart) Nadia was really getting annoyed with Happy. She loved him like a weird uncle, but he kept the TV at the highest volume possible and left dirty dishes in the sink and had really stinky feet.

That's why she retreated into the back room with Peter as he scrubbed at his suit, which had gotten green paint thrown on it. Somehow, he was in only underwear and a t-shirt again, but Nadia didn't mind. She padded barefoot across the floor up behind him, wrapping her arms around his middle.

He sighed and leaned into her, as she rested her chin over his shoulder. "You okay?"

Peter nodded. "Suit won't get clean..."

Nadia smiled sadly, looking down at his hands covered in the neon green paint and suds. "Ask May. She can get anything clean, I bet."

"I will," he shrugged, leaning his head on hers and nuzzling into her hair.  "Tomorrow."

Nadia laughed quietly and started to sway his hips in some strange, awkward dance, until he laughed too. She tugged the hem of his shirt and pulled him to face her.

"I love you, you know?" he smiled.

Nadia pushes herself onto her toes to kiss the tip of his nose. "I know. And you know—"

Peter pushed her into a kiss before she could finish the sentence. His hands rose to tilt her face up, hers settling on his hips again, bunching the fabric of his white t-shirt. Nadia lifted her lips from him and trailed them across his jaw, her stomach growing hot the lower her lips got— under his chin, under his ear, down to his collarbone...

Peter's head tilted towards the ceiling, his fingers settling on either side of her jaw as she kissed his skin gently, over and over again.


Peter flinched and Nadia lifted her head from Peter's neck slowly to turn to the person interrupting. Happy raised his eyebrows, his sleep apnea mask on but not plugged in. "What'd I say about locking the doors."

Nadia rolled her eyes and turned to face him, holding Peter's hand low behind her back. "We weren't doing anything," she insisted, like a sly teenager being caught with their boyfriend because, well... That's what she was. She smiled at Happy sweetly.

"You have green paint, all over you." Happy motioned to his neck and face.

Nadia's smile fell, and Peter looked at his green hands.

Happy pointed at them sternly. "One of you's sleeping on the couch tonight. The other can share with May."

Happy trudged into the other room, the tube of his sleep apnea mask dragging behind him, sending Nadia and Peter into a fit of hushed laughter. He gazed down at her with a glitter in his eyes and a soft smile. "I'll take the couch, you share with May?"

Nadia nodded and kissed him again, before sliding out of the room and down the hall to where May was ready for bed. She smiled upon seeing the girl.

"Happy said Peter and I can't share the couch," the girl said, looking disgruntled. "So, you're stuck with me."

MAGIC TRICKS [PETER PARKER]Where stories live. Discover now