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A small, polite smile brushed across Peter's lips when he was met by his best friends when he exited the principal's office at school the next day. "Do you have to go to that high school where the principal has a crossbow?"

Peter laughed, shaking his head. "Pretty sure that's an urban myth... and, no, I'm not expelled." I fell into place beside him, my short legs struggling to catch up with their long strides as I sighed in relief. "You're so lucky," Ned commented offhandedly.

I glanced at Peter quietly. He wore a smile on his thin pink lips, but his eyes still curtained sadness. My heart tingled in my chest when they flicked to stare into my own brown orbs. I looked away hastily.

The bell rang and we bid a short goodbye to each other as we started off towards our next classes. I had AP Calculus for second block, which was one of the hardest classes I'd ever had, so it was important to pay attention. Yet, all I could think about, walking down the hallway, was Peter. I hated seeing him upset. Thinking that opening up to him and showing him a few things from my past might improve his mood, I was disappointed to discover that Mr. Stark confiscating his suit had taken a toll on Peter Parker and he wasn't quite the same.

Liz and Betty Brant met me at the door of the Calculus classroom. "We have to work on Homecoming stuff, come on," the caramel skinned girl smiled when I walked up. I nodded and handed off my backpack to Michelle, who placed it in my empty seat.

We wandered around the school, not in a hurry, as we took down a few last-minute ticket posters. "So, you're coming to the dance right?" Liz asked, "Got a hot date?"

I laughed quietly, shaking my head. "Nah... I might sit out on this one. I've been busy lately," I lied. Betty's blonde head snapped over to me. "You're kidding," she said, lips parted. She slapped my arm gently. "You're kidding! You have to go!"

I tilted her head to the left, scooting away from Betty before she got all slappy again. "No, no, no," Liz uttered, "Is it because you don't know what to wear? I mean, I have a few spare dresses that I'm sure would fit you-"

"Dances aren't my thing," I interjected, tossing my braids over my shoulder, stopping Liz's long rant. Liz stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. Betty scoffed, tossing her hair over her shoulder as well and starting to pull down one of the signs they had tied up in the cafeteria. I sighed heavily, beginning to unknot the other end. "Even if I wanted to go, I couldn't find a date. And I just know that Flash will find some way to point that out in front of everyone," I added with a roll of my eyes.

Liz gave me a hardened glare. "Seriously? Every boy in the sophomore class was practically drooling at your feet last week," she muttered, "You could've gotten a date with any boy you wanted."

I shrugged my shoulders awkwardly. "Maybe I didn't want to go with a boy."

Betty's shrill laugh pierced the air for a moment and she shook her head. "Look, I don't know your sexuality, but at the moment, it is so painfully obvious that you want whatever it is that Peter Parker has," laughed the blonde, nonchalantly folding up the banner in her hands.

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