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THANOS LOOMED OVER THEM. He surveyed the planet, his face solemn. "I take it Maw is dead," he stated, his voice a low grumble, "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that," Strange said, standing to his feet, "He brought you face to face with two masters of the Mystic Arts."

"And where do you think he brought you?"

Nadia clenched her jaw bravely, though fear iced through her entire body like thousands of needles into her veins. "Let me guess; your home?"

Thanos smiled, reminiscing. "It was. And it was beautiful."

He curled the fist covered by the gauntlet, using the reality stone to warp the world around them. Like a curtain sweeping over a grand stage, the planet put itself back together to reveal a beautiful city, nothing like the ruined planet they'd seen so far.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around." Nadia's eyes wandered to the green lawns, the beautiful architecture of the alien planet, the peaceful citizens strolling in the distance. "And when faced with extinction, I offered a solution."

"Genocide," laughed Stephen.

"But at random. Dispassionate, fair to the rich and poor alike. They called me a madman." He spoke slowly, like he had all the time in the world. "And what I predicted came to pass."

He relaxed his fist and the world disappeared, fading back into the ruined Titan. "Congratulations," retorted Strange, "You're a prophet."

"I'm a survivor," countered the titan.

Nadia spat, "Who wants to murder trillions."

For the first time since he arrived, Thanos' gaze focused on the girl, studying her. Fear pierced her chest again, but she stood tall, unafraid under his glare. "I can't expect such simple minds to understand..." he muttered, "With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers and they would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy."

"And then what?" Strange asked.

"I finally rest... And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe," he looked off into the distance, as if dreaming, "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."

Strange summoned his golden shields, slowly emphasizing every word, "I think." He hit his hands together once, "You'll find." Twice. "Our will." He took a fighting stance, Nadia summoning her powers to her fists, her eyes glowing a brilliant white. "Equal to yours."

Thanos confidence faltered. "Ours?"

Nadia and Strange flew backward quickly, barely avoiding the piece of debris Stark brought down onto Thanos' head. "Piece of cake, Quill," he spoke.

"Yeah!" Quill hollered in response, coming out of his hiding place and putting his helmet on, "If your goal was to make him angry!"

The humongous rock on Thanos erupted into purple light, and the titan bellowed in rage. He used the stones to turn the wreckage into a fleet of bats, chasing after Stark.

MAGIC TRICKS [PETER PARKER]Where stories live. Discover now