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Nadia's eyes stared daggers into the head of the alien torturing Stephen Strange. "They were originally designed for microsurgery," Ebony Maw drabbled on, a needle starting to enter Strange's forehead and cheeks. He grimaced, squeezing his eyes shut, and Nadia's heart ached. She glanced to the left, where Tony was perched, about to descend to their level to distract Maw. Peter has his mask on opposite of him, ready to follow through with their plan.

Tony was going to distract, and Peter and Nadia were going to help the Cloak grab Strange. "And any one of them..." Maw continued, just as Stark touched down behind him. He turned slowly, a sort of bone-chilling smirk on his face.

"Could end your friend's life in an instant."

Preparing a hand blaster, Tony held a palm to his face. "I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy."

Ebony Maw walked slowly towards him, beckoning large objects from all around to float over his shoulders as he spoke, "You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

Tony sighed, the corners of his mouth turning up in the slightest. "Yeah, but the kids have seen more movies."

Suddenly, he swung his body around and shot the ship's wall with a small rocket instead, creating a large hole to act as a vacuum into open void. Maw is sucked out promptly, his floating objects following, just as Strange slipped free of his bindings. The Cloak zoomed off of Nadia's shoulders and she jumped down after it, grabbing onto a support beam to keep herself from flying out of the ship.

Strange's cape grasped his body, but it wasn't strong enough. Peter swung in, quickly webbing up Strange and grabbing onto a jagged piece of ship. In an instant, it broke and they both went flying. Just before they were both lost in space, metal spider legs shot out from Peter's suit, stopping them from being space dust. "Yes! Wait, what are those?!" he shouted.

Carefully, Peter crawled back into the ship, Strange in tow. Nadia thrust a hand out towards the hole, the white energy shooting out at lightning speed and creating a force field over it. Peter and Strange fell to the ground with a thud.

Tony hastily flew over, knowing the girl couldn't hold the hole shut forever, and sprayed nanites to plug it up. Nadia sighed in relief, letting go and hopping down beside where Peter stood, his new legs retracting. Strange was a bit disoriented at their feet; Nadia kneeled, shaking his shoulders gently.

"Strange? Stephen." The man shook his head to clear it, staring up at her with a crease between his brows and a downturned mouth. "Nadia? What are you doing here?" he spoke furiously, "Why aren't you at school?"

Nadia opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was, "Uh...." She glanced at Peter for help; he only shrugged. She did the same. "F-field trip?"

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