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My eyes searched the room for the item Peter was talking about. "That shelf?" He shook his head, a small grin settling on his lips. "You're never gonna get it." We were seated in the empty waiting room of the doctor's office I'd been visiting ever since the accident. I was just in for a check-up today, but Peter insisted on coming with me after I told him Stephen couldn't.

I narrowed my eyes at him, pursing my lips and drumming my fingers on the arm rests of my chair. "That picture frame?" I asked, pointing to it. Peter shook his head. I sighed heavily, leaning back in my seat. "Okay, seriously. Give me a hint."

"Hm.... It's blue."

I gave him a look and he laughed, turning his head. "No hints, just guess," he persisted, and I sighed. We played stupid games like this to pass the time, whether it be waiting for class to start or when he was out on a mission and things weren't busy. My eyes trailed along the white trim on the ceiling, the multi-colored vinyl chairs... "Is it on this side of the room?" I asked, sweeping my hands to the right of me. Peter nodded, biting down on his lip.

"I give up. Just tell me," I pleaded, poking out my bottom lip in a pout. He gave in and leaned down, pulling up his pant leg to reveal his socks. Blue socks.

Glaring, I gently nudged him. "That's not fair, I couldn't see those." Peter chuckled heartily, throwing his head back. It was nice to see him like that; he didn't smile as much as he used to. I laughed along, shaking my head.

"Okay, okay, okay, I spy with my little eye-"


Our heads snapped over to the nurse standing in the doorway, a questioning smile on her face. I knew she wasn't a nurse, however- she was Dr. Christine Palmer, an old friend and surgeon of Stephen's from when he used to be a neurosurgeon. Even with their bad past, Dr. Palmer had agreed to help me out once we figured it wasn't a good idea to be officially in the medical system since I had no legal guardian.

Peter hopped up and took the handles of my chair, pushing me in the direction of the blonde woman. Christine smiled politely. "Hey, Nadia, how are you doing today?" Her eyes lingered on Peter for just a moment. "Where's Stephen?"

"Busy schedule today," I shrugged as she lead us down the hallway, "This is my friend, Peter." We passed several empty patient rooms and stopped at the one at the end of the hall, a painting of a brown dog on the wall. Christine slid inside easily, making sure to leave room for Peter and I to enter after her. "Nice to meet you, Peter. I'm Dr. Palmer," she smiled, extending a hand to him. He returned the grin and shook her hand. "N-nice to meet you too."

"So I'll just have a look at the incisions, and if everything looks good, I'll draw some blood and you'll be on your way," the blonde woman explained, snapping some latex gloves on her hands. I leaned forward and pulled up the back of my shirt, revealing the stitches in my skin. Peter moved to the side, watching me with curious and concerned eyes as Christine prodded at the stitches. "He's cute," she whispered playfully in my ear, her breath tickling my skin. I laughed bashfully, blushing. Giving Peter a good look, I silently agreed. He is cute, isn't he?

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