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VENICE WAS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE NADIA HAD EVER BEEN. The group gathered on a small boat, riding it through the Grand Canale, taking photos, and simply enjoying the sights around them. Nadia sat on the edge, peering into the water beneath them, one hand resting on the side of the boat, the other intertwined with Peter's. "All these places are so beautiful," she admired, turning to look at him, "I can't wait to see our hotel."

His gaze, which had been trained on her smiling face, admiring the joy in her eyes, flickered to the buildings they floated past. "Me either." She gave him a soft smile in response; she started to lean in, closing her eyes, hoping to fulfill her dream of kissing the love of her life in one of the most beautiful cities in the world when—

"Is that our hotel? I've seen shacks better than this place!" Flash hollered right into Nadia's ear, thrusting an arm over their heads. Nadia followed his arm to the subject of his exclamation. Spotting the run down, dingy hotel, Nadia cringed and thought, God I hope not.

Nonetheless, their boat came to a stop in front of the so-called hotel and Mr. Harrington stood, gathering his suitcases. "Looks like we're here!" Nadia's face fell as the rest of the students began to grab their stuff and exit the boat. "Looks like they're doing some renovations," mumbled Harrington, leading the way through the door, scaffolding looming over his head. Peter grabbed her bags and she grabbed his backpack, following the rest of their classmates off of the boat and into their hotel.

Disappointing didn't even begin to describe it. Inside, there was a small pathway of water, almost like a creek, at the bottom of the steps, which Mr. Harrington promptly stepped in, missing the two by four board to be used as a bridge. The walls had large cracks, the concierge desk was covered in dust. The only good thing about the place, it seemed, was the fluffy cat that meowed meekly at Nadia when she stopped beside it. "This place is trash," Betty mumbled, holding onto Ned's arm like he could save her from the grime. Nadia nudged Peter and pointed to the cat, and then immediately started to pet it. She scratched its chin, to which the small kitty meowed gratefully. Peter snapped a picture of his girlfriend with his phone, smiling.

"Tell me we aren't staying here," MJ groaned, holding her bag close to her body. Flash exclaimed, "This place is sinking." Mr. Harrington, always the optimist, cheered with false enthusiasm. "I think you mean charming!"

There were a few sarcastic mumbles from the group until Mr. Dell came forward and started to order them all around. "Okay, everybody, drop your bags off and we're gonna meet at the Da Vinci museum at three. Let's go!"

That seemed to get everybody a little more excited. Sure, they wouldn't have the greatest touring experience inside their hotel, but at least they could still sight see. "Vamanos!" cheered Mr. Harrington.

"Actually, its, uh, andiamo," Nadia piped up, grinning at MJ, who was about to say the same thing.

"R-right, right. Andiamo!" he tried again.

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