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SCREAMS TRAVELED THROUGH THE CROWD RAPIDLY, as the Fire Elemental leapt from the fountain on top of a vehicle nearby. Nadia didn't have a moment to wonder what it was doing, because the crowd was already jostling them around, pushing them down the street before they could even get a chance to think; screams echoed all around her, the hoards of terrified people ripping Nadia's hand from MJ's, and they were separated.

"MJ!" If there was one thing Nadia knew she needed to do, if she could do nothing else, she had to protect MJ. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't. Grunting slightly, Nadia broke through the crowd with an elbow extended, trying to get to her, all the while her heart beating rapidly as the fire monster raged on behind them, roaring loudly.

The crowd parted, running into different alley ways and streets, and Nadia finally managed to catch up with MJ, her lungs crying for air when they finally met again. "Nadia," breathed MJ, reaching for her again. "Are you okay?" Nadia spoke exasperatedly, grabbing the girl by her shoulders and moving her further into the alley, where she'd hopefully be safer. "Stay here, okay? Stay here, I-I'm going to try to-"

"What? Are you kidding?!" MJ eyes widened dramatically. "You can't go out there- we need to get back to the theatre and warn everyone-"

"There's no time!" Nadia spun around when another roar sounded, this one closer and louder because the monster had grown to three times its size when it burst from the fountain. They watched in horror as it melted a food stand, absorbing the metal, and grew another ten feet. "There's no time," she said again, firmer.

Before MJ could stop her, Nadia moved as fast as she could out of the alley way, her mind whirling as she tried to figure out what to do. Peter and Quentin Beck had arrived on the scene, she then noticed, and were mid battle with the Elemental. Mysterio's magic turned from the green smoke that propelled him into the air to solidified green triangles that blasted the monster with a green beam. It reminded her of Strange's magic, but she didn't really have time to ponder it, because there were still a few civilians running away, trying to find refuge. A man screaming loudly darted past her, but she grabbed his arm suddenly, eyes trailing down his body to the wolf costume he wore, and then to the fake wolf head he'd taken off of his own. An idea formed. "Give me your costume."

The man, obviously an American tourist when he spoke, jerked away from her, forgetting the fiery inferno monster just down the block. "What? No, man, do you know how much this thing cost-"

Without thinking, Nadia allowed her eyes to flash that vibrant white she'd gotten so used to seeing slither from her hands. "Give me your costume."

Immediately, he handed it over, whimpering slightly in fear, and Nadia retreated around the corner, telling him, "Get out of here! Go!" He darted off down the street, wearing only a white t-shirt and underwear, while Nadia threw the wolf head mask over her head, almost gagging at the putrid alcohol scent, before she clasped the long fur cape over her body in order to hide her dress completely. MJ was smart, and if she got a glimpse of that dress, The Aura's secret identity would be revealed.

Nadia emerged from the alley, taking a deep breath. She hadn't done any real super hero-ing since... Clenching her trembling fists, Nadia tried to breathe. Her inhales became thinner and thinner as she took off in a run, propelling herself into the air with a blast of white off the ground. You can do this. You can do this, she wanted to tell herself. But an evil voice in her head, one she'd grown to know, kept hissing, Don't screw it up. Screw it up and people die, Nadia. You're going to mess everything up, Nadia, like you always do.

Her breath hinged, and she faltered in the air, Gwen's high heels falling off her feet and clattering to the ground beneath her. Nadia didn't look down.

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