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Nadia's hands hadn't stopped trembling since the death of Tony Stark. Even now, as the man himself stood in front of them as a hologram, her fingers shook from where they were intertwined with Peter's. The boy sat beside her on the Stark's couch, both of his hands holding her's, tears numbly rolling down his smooth face. Nadia's arm was wrapped tightly around his, his head resting lightly on her shoulder.

Tony Stark's hologram smiled. "Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it'll be in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing." Nadia felt May Parker's hand squeeze her shoulder, the other rubbing Peter's back from her spot behind the couch.

Tony smirked, before giving a fond smile. "God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know?" he shook his head ruefully, "That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And, for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in."

Nadia turned her head unfeelingly to the little girl curled into her mother's side on the other end of the couch. Pepper wiped away stray tears, holding onto her daughter with one arm. Rhodey sat in a chair opposite of them, Happy Hogan standing behind him.

Tony's hologram sat backwards in a holographic chair, being projected from one of his Iron Man helmets. "So I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting... In the case of an untimely death on my part— Not that, death in any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. But then again, that's the hero gig." It was like he stared right through Nadia, straight into her soul.

"Part of the journey is the end."

He stood abruptly, shaking his head. "Anyways, what am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to." Tony's gaze slid over to his daughter as he reached down to turn the camera off, a sweet, knowing smile plastered on his face. "I love you 3000."

The hologram cut out. All Nadia heard was heavy breathing, sniffling, and she squeezed Peter's arm in an attempt to comfort him. They all stood after a long moment of stillness, and gathered at the lake front.

Peter and Nadia stood behind Steve Rogers, Thor, and Bruce Banner who gazed at the lake unfeelingly. Peter should've been ecstatic to be surrounded by several of his idols, people he'd looked up to for his entire life— but he simply felt grief. The entire world was numb, it seemed. Sadness had washed over them all in a tidal wave, and they were still digging themselves from the wreckage. Pepper and Morgan stood at the front of them all, floating Tony's old arc reactor in the water on a bunch of baby's breath flowers.

Nadia had an arm wrapped around Peter's, holding his hand. Stephen Strange was at her other side, a sad look permanently plastered on his aged face. His hand was clasped in Nadia's other. Wong was next to him. May was behind them, still rubbing Peter's shoulders comfortingly. The rest of the heroes spread out behind them, dressed in black as they celebrated the life of Tony Stark.

The funeral ended and Nadia couldn't help but feel at least a little relieved. She'd made it through the whole thing without passing out, which was an accomplishment. Giving Stephen a small, reassuring smile, they had parted ways. They'd be okay, they all would. The world would keep turning, the sun would keep setting, the birds would keep chirping; life goes on.

As Aunt May ushered the teenagers wordlessly to the car, Nadia caught the gaze of a burly man dressed in all black, like the rest of them. He watched them pass with his one good eye, his face unreadable. She felt uneasy underneath his looming expression, choosing to glance at Carol Danvers instead, who stood directly to his left. Although she chose to ignore it for the time being, there was a pit in her stomach, a knowing feeling.

Knowing that nothing good could come from being in Nick Fury's sight.

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚


Nadia faded back into the conversation, her face blank. Gwen Stacey sat in front of her, talking animatedly about everything that had changed. "It like, yesterday, my dog was healthy and happy, and today I find out he's been dead for two years..." The blonde shook her head sadly, "I just... It's mind blowing."

The curly haired girl didn't respond, staring out the window of the diner she and her friends sat in. She should've been happy. This is what she had wanted; to go back to a time where her friends were alive and well.

"We're lucky though," Ned spoke up, "My old neighbor's entire family got dusted, so when they came back an entire new family had moved into their house. They lost everything."

Nadia's gaze shifted to Peter, who stared at his untouched cup of chocolate milk. She touched his hand, causing him to look up. His eyes were still glossy with tears, big and brown and hurt. Running her thumb along the back of it, she closed her eyes and gave his hand a squeeze, not of reassurance, not of love, not of anything. Just an "I'm here; it's okay" squeeze.

The truth was, things were different. As much as Nadia wished, she knew bringing everyone back wasn't going to make things normal. Things would never be normal again— families lost their homes, their life-savings, their belongings. The whole world suffered.

"I'm just super bummed they're making us start the school year over," said MJ. The curly haired girl sat next to Gwen, their hands resting on the table, pinkies overlapping.

It was no stretch to know that Nadia was different, too. Her differentness was a staggering shock written in her reflection, written in her face. Her entire life she had lost and lost and lost and lost. She would never be the same.

Peter pressed his lips together, sliding his hand from hers and lifting himself from his seat, retreating to the bathroom. They would never be the same.

And that was the truth that hurt the worst.



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