Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Layla’s POV

I plug in my music and start packing my things because tomorrow we are leaving for tour. We are taking the boys private jet to America, we will tour, and then we will go to Australia, and finally we come back to London. I am so excited because I am going places I have never been to before, but I’m going to miss my friends.

“Hey do you need help?” Niall asked from my doorway

“Sure, I’m just packing up my shirts and shoes.” I told him. I already had 2 other suit cases, one with pants and shorts, and the other with undergarments and accessories.

“Are there any bras on the floor that I could slip on?” Niall joked walking over towards me.

“Haha you are so funny!” I said sarcastically, remembering the lie I told them. He helped me pack; we were in a comfortable silence.

“Are you excited to go on tour Layla?” Niall asked me.

“Yea, but I’m really nervous. What if they don’t like me?”

“Trust my Layla, they will love you. “ Niall reassured me. I flashed him a grin as we closed up the final suitcase. “Thanks Niall, I’m all set for tomorrow.”

“No problem. Do you want to go grab a bite at Nandos? I just remembered we never took you.” Niall offered.

“Sure, let me grab me change out of my sweats. I’ll be down in about 10 minutes.” I told him. He nodded his head and closed my door. I pulled on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a red plain shirt, and my red TOMS. I rolled up my jeans so that they were up to my ankles. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then brush my hair and clipped it to the side.

“Hey, ready to go?” Niall asked as I came down the stairs. He was wearing a plain white shirt, tan shorts, and tan chinos. He looked really cute, wait no Layla, he has Brittany!  

“Yea, how are we getting there?” I asked him.

“It’s only a 15 minute walk, so if you don’t mind we can walk.”

“Alright, that’s fine.” I headed towards the door and Niall was right by my side. We walked in a comfortable silence for a while before we started playing “Would you rather?”

“Would you rather eat a penguin or a pelican?” I asked Niall.

“Uhh, a pelican. Would you rather date Harry or me?”

“I’m not answering that Niall. You would eat a pelican?! That’s gross!” I made a disgusted face.

“What would you have picked? The penguin?”

“Ew gross no. I love penguins. I would have picked neither.” I stated. Niall chuckled and shook his head, opening the door for me to Nandos.

“Hi welcome to Nandos!” A perky waitress greeted us.

“Hello, table for two please.” Niall told her. She took us to a table and sat us down, the whole time stealing glances at us the whole time.

“What would you guys like today? Oh by the way my name is Cindy.”

“Could we please have to plates of Peri Peri chicken, and two glasses of lemonade?” Niall asked ordering for both of us. How did he know I liked lemonade?

“Are you apart of the FBI?” I asked once our waitress was out of ear shot

“No, why?” Niall asked looking confused.

“Then how did you know I loved lemonade?” I asked him.

“I saw you chugging three bottles last week.” He admitted. I blushed because I have an addiction to lemonade. We made mindless chatter until our food came fifteen minutes later. Niall was staring at me as I look my first bite.

“Wow, this is really good!” I exclaimed. It was actually delicious. Niall laughed and ate his chicken while I ate mine. When we were finished we asked for the bill and Cindy came back.

“Here is your bill.” She hesitated for a moment before finally saying “Ok, I can’t hide it anymore, could I please have both of your autographs? I’m sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you guys but I am a huge fan!”

“Sure thing love.” Niall signed a napkin and handed it back to her.

“Can I please have yours too Layla?” She handed me the napkin. I stared at it in shock, she wanted my autograph?! “You want me to sign it?” I asked

“Yes! I love your voice, and I know you will be big soon!” I smiled at her and signed the napkin.

“Do you want a picture too babe?” Niall asked. She nodded her head, and she got a picture with both of us. We bid her a farewell and began walking back to the house. Once we arrived I saw that Brittany was there in the living room.

“What are you doing with her?” Brittany asked as soon as we walked in. I rolled my eyes; she was such a drama queen.

“We went to Nandos to grab some lunch.” Niall answered her.

“I called you like, twice, and you didn’t pick up, so I came here! Why didn’t you pick up?” she instigated.

“Look, my phone was on silent, ok.” Niall tried to calm her down.

“Ugh, whatever, let’s go to the mall.” Brittany dragged him out of the house. What an unk! I walked into the living room to see Eleanor, Olivia, Fernanda, and Sammy all sitting down on the table.

“What’s going on?” I asked when I walked in.

“Well, since it’s your last day here I thought it would be nice to have a girl day.” Eleanor told me.

“Yea! We are going to the mall, and then to the cupcake factory!” Fernanda said, looking excited.

“Alright, let’s go!” I smiled and we all piled into Eleanor’s car.

“Alright girls, off to the mall!” Eleanor said, starting the car.


Hours later Sammy, Olivia, Fernanda, and I are helping Eleanor get ready for her date with Louis. She had on a stunning black dress, a heart necklace and diamond earrings. Olivia was curing her hair, and I was doing her make up. Fernanda and Sammy were bickering over something, I’m not sure what, but I think it had to do with Harry.

“Alright, you are done.” I told her as I put all the makeup away. She got up and hugged Olivia and I.

“Thank you so much! I better get going now.” She adjusted her charm bracelet that she got at the mall today; we all had matching ones so we wouldn’t forget about each other on tour, because I wasn’t going to see them for a while.

“Bye El, have fun! I called after her, wagging my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Alright, well I have to go! I’m going to miss you so much Layla!” She pulled me into a hug, tears starting to form in both of our eyes. “I’ll text you every day!” I promised. We hugged one last time before she left my room.

“UGH, FINE!” Fernanda screamed, walking out of my room.

“What is she doing?” I asked Sammy, who was smirking to herself.

“Apologizing to Harry.”

Harry’s POV

I was listening to music, finishing my packing when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it up to see Fernanda. But, instead of having her usual rodent shirt filled with stains, she had on a plain black shirt, jean shorts, and black converse. She actually looked cute.

“Look, before you close the door on my hear me out. I am really sorry for using you as my lab rat, but I needed it for a project. I promise I will be myself now. Let’s start over. Hi, I am Fernanda, Louis cousin.” She held out her hand, waiting for me to shake it. I sighed before cracking a grin, “Hello Fernanda, my name is Harry Styles.”

A/N: Hey guys! Hopefully this is linger then last chapter, it is 4 pages on word! So, congrats guys, you hit the goal! 4 votes, 1 comment. Thank you so much! Let’s do it again for this chapter, but this time 5 votes and 2 comments and I will update! Oh, and please check out my other story, Summer love. It would really mean a lot! xxx

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