Chapter 15

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They hugged the rest of the guy’s goodbye and we boarded the plane. Our suitcases were already in the above compartments. The plane was really nice, and it had a mini fridge thing where a lot of food was kept. I plopped onto the comfortable plane seat and let exhaustion wash over me.

Chapter 15

Layla’s POV

“Wake up!” somebody shouted in my ear. I quickly shot up out of my seat to see Louis standing in front of me grinning.

“We are in America!” He shouted. I smiled, because America was where my mom and sister were buried. I would have to visit them. It’s so weird; did my father take a plane to London to find out where I was? His house was in California. I got up out of my seat and went to grab my suitcases from the over head compartment when Niall snuck up behind me. “Boo!” I screamed and dropped all of my bags.

“What the flying flack Niall!?” I said with my hand over my fast beating heart. Niall and the rest of the boys, besides Zayn, were rolling on the floor laughing. Zayn barely looked awake. Well, Mr. Horan, since two can play at this game. I grabbed my bags and stormed off the plane and began walking with Zayn.

“Layla wait!” Niall called after me, but I just ignored him.

“Are you really mad at him?” Zayn asked me.

“Nope.” I said with a grin. We continued walking when all of sudden there was a flash of lights.

“What the….” Zayn quickly shoved a pair of sunglasses into my hands and told me to put them on.

“EW! Why is he with her?!”

“She can’t even sing!”

“She’s so ugly!”

All these things were being shouted at me, some things people said were very nasty. I tried not to let it get to me, but as the shouts began to get louder, I could feel myself start to panic. Zayn swung his arm over me protectively, and I didn’t even flinch. I guess since I trusted him so much I was easier for him to do simple things such as put his arm around me. We finally got outside and we both got inside the car. Soon after, the rest of the boys got in the car.

“Wow, there are a lot of people here. Right Layla?” Liam asked.

“Yup.” I didn’t feel like talking. I kept thinking about the things that some of the girls shouted at me. Were they right? Were all the things they said about me true? I plugged in my music, signaling that I don’t want to talk. I made eye contact with Niall and I gave him a small smile, before turning my head back to the window and getting lost in my thoughts.

“Layla, we are here.” Harry tapped my shoulder. I took off my earphones and put my phone in my pocket. We were staying at a hotel, it was really nice. We were getting in through the back, so there were no fans.

“Wow, this is a nice hotel.” I said to nobody in particular.

“It is. Wait until you see the inside.” Niall told me. We walked inside and checked in; we had 4 rooms total, one of them being Paul’s.

“Alright, room arrangements!” Paul said once me got to the floor we were staying on.

“Louis and Liam, Zayn and Niall, and Harry and Layla.”

“You’re letting Layla stay in a room with Harry?” Niall asked, shocked.

“Oh don’t worry Niall; I won’t try anything…Maybe.” Harry winked at Niall and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Niall’s face was red, as was Zayn’s.  What was up with them?

“Harry, you are not allowed to try anything with Layla.” Paul said sternly.

“I know, I know.” Harry mumbled. We got into our rooms and started to unpack.

“I’m so sleepy!”  Harry exclaimed as he plopped onto the bed. “Goodnight.” He mumbled.

“Haha, goodnight” I finished unpacking and got under my covers. I took out my iPhone and started scrolling through twitter. I saw that there was a new trend, it was #Layla. I knew I shouldn’t, but I still clicked on it. I sat upright in my bed and started scrolling. Soon, I had tears pouring out of my yes.

@IluvvvHarry: Ew, Layla needs to go. She sucks at singing and is so ugly! #Layla

@IHateLayla: I hate her. I wish she would die. #Layla

@IDMarryMe12345: is she like retarded or something? ZAYN IS MINE! #Layla

@WhyOhWhy: Guy’s, stop the hate. She didn’t do anything to you. #Layla

@IHateEverybody: The b***h needs to go. Nobody wants her. She’s fat and ugly. #Layla

I knew I had gone through this hate before, but it still hurt. I knew I should stop reading but I couldn’t.

“Give me your phone.” Harry was in front of me, holding his hand out. When did he get there? I handed him my phone and he threw it on his bed.

“Don’t do this to yourself. Trust me; I know what it feels like. In the end, they aren’t worth your tears. “I let out a sob and put my face in a pillow. “They are wrong. You are beautiful, inside and out. If sucked at singing Simon wouldn’t have put you as our opening act. The boys and I are her for you.” I don’t think Harry realized how much that meant that he said that.

“H-how did you deal with it?” I asked Harry, referring to the hate.

“I got off of social networks for a while. It helped a lot. I also had support from my family and my friends.” I sniffled and gave Harry a small smile. “Thanks Harry, that really helped.” He gave me a cheeky grin.

“Cheer up Charlie! Do you want to go get ice cream?” Harry asked me.

“At one in the morning?”

“We can sneak into the kitchen!”

“We are going on a secret mission!” I laughed.

“Let's go!” I pulled on my Toms, and then walked out with Harry. We took the steps down to the kitchen and peeked inside to make sure nobody was there. It was pitch black, meaning nobody was in there. Harry flashed the light on his phone, and we both crept into the kitchen. We walked to the freezer and got two big tubs. I grabbed one and Harry grabbed one.

 He grabbed a bottle of whip cream, and I got two spoons, and we ran upstairs. We ran into the room, laughing and out of breath. We turned on the room light to see Paul sitting on the chair in the middle, an unhappy expression on his face. Uh oh. Busted.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated in a while! I have exams this weekL but soon things should go back to normal! Who are you guys shipping? Thanks for helping me get to my goal! No goal this week, but please still comment and update! xxx

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