Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Layla's POV:

I was so excited. I was finally going to the boy’s house, Louis had signed the paperwork and it was now official, he was my legal guardian. Thankfully we were riding in a limo so I didn't have to be close to them. It not that I don't like them, because I do, it's just that my father has traumatized me to the point where I can only shake people hands for a few seconds before I start having a panic attack, I can't be too close to people or have them touch me for more than a few seconds.

"Layla are you excited?" Louis asked me

"Yea, I am, and I'm really thankful that you guys are taking me in." I said looking at each of their faces.

“It’s really no problem.” Liam said smiling, and all the boys agreed.

"Welcome to your now house Layla!" Harry and Niall said at the same time, but before I could respond I felt my feet being lifted up of the ground, and me being thrown onto Louis shoulder. I could feel the panic attack about to start. "Louis put me down now!"

"Never!" Louis joked, he started tickling my sides, I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing when a sudden flashback of the first day my father raped me clouded my mind.


I was 10 and my mother and sister went to go shop for dresses, I was in my room playing with my barbies when he came in, said he needed to talk to me, to come sit with him on my bed, I did as I was told, and the next thing I knew, he was pinned on top of me, his hand over my mouth.

When he was finished he left me there, hurt and broken. I still remember the words he told me every time he was done with me; "Remember Layla, tell anybody, and you and your sister die. You wouldn’t want to ruin our family, now would you?" He would leave me there alone, crying, thinking that I would be the cause of ruining my family.

*Flashback over*


"NEVER!” He started laughing and running with me on his shoulder.

"LOUIS....PLEASE.....PUT.....ME.....DOWN" I was starting to hyperventilate. "Louis put her down!" Zayn yelled at him, Louis put me down on the grass and I was sobbing while trying to catch my breath. Layla I'm sorry, are you ok" Louis looked at me with concern, he leaned down to give me a hug, and I screamed bloody murder.

Zayn's POV:

I could tell something was wrong as soon as Louis picked Layla up, but I thought I was overreacting, but then she started crying, and screaming.

"Louis put her down!" I screamed at Louis because she was starting to hyperventilate, he apologized and when he went to hug her she screamed like someone was about to hurt her, then she passed out.

"Oh my god!" Niall screamed, I picked her up and carried her inside. I laid her down on the couch and Harry went to go get her some ice.

"Why do I cause her so much trouble?" Louis asked while looking at Layla.

"Mate, it's not your entire fault, I can tell something is bothering her, notice how she hasn't hugged any us, and she kept her distance in the car. We need to find out what's going on. Don’t blame yourself." I told him. I was determined to help Layla.

Layla's POV

I feel like I'm floating. I'm in a place where I don't have to worry, no fears, no father, just me and my mother and my sister. I miss the days when everything was normal. We were all one big happy family. Is this what it's like to be dead? Just flooded with all those happy memories and the good times. Am I dead? I doubt it. I hear voices in the background and I know it belongs to the boys, but I can't make out what they are saying.

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