Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Harry’s POV

“Hey, there you are!” I said, pulling Fernanda into a hug. I came to pick up Fernanda because she wanted to see the final concert. Louis and I forgave her for what she did, and her and Layla talked it out.

“Hey! I missed you.” She said smiling. “Sammy and Olivia come later tonight, but I wanted to come a bit earlier.” 

“Ok, I’ll tell Louis to pick them up.” I grabbed her suitcase and walked her to the car.

“FERNANDA I MISSED YOU!” Layla squealed and jumped out of the car to give Fernanda a hug.  “I needed another girl; these guys don’t know a thing about shopping.” Layla exclaimed climbing into the car.

 “Uh, I thought those green striped heels matched those blue polka dots perfectly!” Louis said, a joking tone in his voice.

“See what I mean?” Layla rolled her eyes. We all joked around in the car until we got back to the hotel.

“Fernanda, share with Layla, Harry you can bunk in Louis room.” Paul said.

“But Paul, Louis snores!!” I complained.

“I do not!” Louis protested, which got us bickering.

“GUYS!” Zayn screamed.

“What?” Louis said, looking at Zayn

“Everyone left like 5 minutes ago. Discussion is done!” Zayn laughed and I put my arm around Louis.

“I need your help mate.” I said, becoming serious.

“What with?” Louis asked as we entered his room.

“I want to go on a date.” I stated.

“Uhhh Harry, I have a girlfriend, and I’m straight.” Louis said with a weird look on his face.

“Not with you, you twat!” I said hitting him upside the head. “I want to go on a date with Fernanda!”

“OH! Ok, see that makes more sense. Where do you want to take her?” I thought about it for a few seconds before an idea popped into my head.

“Is she ready?” I asked Layla, who was walking to Niall’s room.

“Yup, I told her I was going to get Niall so we could go down to the fair.” I smiled, “Thank you Layla.”

“No problem, but hurry before she comes looking for me.” I nodded and walked to her room and knocked on the door.

“Harry?” Fernanda said, looking around confused. She looked really pretty, she was wearing a floral dress and her curly hair was out.

“My lady.” I said bowing in a joking manner.

“Harry what are you doing here?” Fernanda said smiling.

“I was wondering if you’d like to spend the afternoon with me.” I said smiling.

“Sure, I’ll text Layla.” She said grabbing her phone.

“Don’t worry, she knows.” I said smirking. I took her hand and walked out of the building.

Layla’s POV

“Hey Niall.” He waved at me, but he was talking on the phone.

“Are you sure? Ok, I’ll see you next week. Bye, love you.” He spoke into the phone. He hung up and sighed.

“What happened? I asked, sitting down on his bed.

“I wanted Brittany to come to tomorrow’s concert because Sammy and Olivia and Fernanda are going, but she has exams.”

“Harry never told you, did he.” I asked, staring down at my hands.

“He never told me what?”

“Niall Brittany is not as good as she seems. She… She was working with my father to get rid of me.” Finally the truth was out.

“You’re joking right.” Niall said in disbelief.

“I wish I was.” I whispered.

“Wow. I didn’t know you we so jealous of Brittany!” Niall jumped out of his bed.

“What?!” I stood up as well.


“YOU ARE SUCH AND IDIOT IF YOU THINK THAT! I AM NOT JELOUS OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND! I NEVER WAS AND I NEVER WILL!” I stormed out of his room. Liam and Zayn were coming upstairs with McDonalds and stopped when they saw me. “

“Layla what’s wrong.” Liam asked once I walked up to them.

“Niall is being a girl. Let’s go for a walk.”

“Now? It’s 7:30.” Zayn said.

“Yea, let’s go.” I grasped both their hands and walked back to the elevators.

“Where are we going?” Zayn asked.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” I was still fuming. I had to do something to get my mind off of what happened.

“Let’s go to McDonalds. I’m starving!” Zayn said. I nodded and we walked the 5 blocks to McDonalds.

Liam and Zayn sat down at a booth and I went to order food.

“Hi can please have a Double cheeseburger, a McChicken, and a large fries. The cashier nodded and placed my order. I waited for my food and once I got in I sat down with Liam and Zayn and began stuffing my face. I was in the middle of taking a bite when I got a text message, from the one and only Unknown sender. I sighed and open the text message.

From: Unknown

You time is almost up. –Mr.B

I stared at my phone. You have to be kidding. This night had been horrible. I stood up and walked outside. I just needed a breather.

“What’s going on?” Zayn asked. Liam was inside cleaning up; he put my food back in a bag and walked out.

“Nothing. It has been a bad night.” I said staring at the fountain in front of me.  They both gave me a hug and we walked back to the hotel.

“How was the date?” I asked when Fernanda walked in.

“It was good, we walked around a plaza for most of the day and when the sun started setting he took me to an empty field where Louis had dropped off food, then went to pick up Olivia and Sammy. We ate and watched the sunset; it was a really good night.”

“Well that’s good.” I said with as much emotion I can manage.

“What happened?” Fernanda came and sat next to me.

“I told Niall. I told him about Brittany.” I said.

“What did he say?”

“He accused me of lying and trying to turn him against his girlfriend.” I put my head in my pillow and sighed.

“What! He’s an arse! I cannot believe he said that.” Fernanda looked so heated!

“That’s not all. Look at this.” I showed Fernanda my phone and her face turned red.

“WHAT THE HECK IS THIS BULL!?” She threw my phone on Harry’s bed and sat down on the floor.

“I am so sorry Layla. I’m sorry this is happening. I hope this is just a sick joke.” Fernanda looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

“I hope so too.” I whispered.

A/N: YAY another update! There are about 5 chapters left of this book! This was kind of a filler chapter, but it will lead up to some stuff in the next chapter! Tell me what you think! xxx

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