Chapter 20

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“Louis, the man looks like an older version of Layla.” Sammy breathed out. Harry and I looked at each other and I knew we both knew what was going on. Brittany was working with Layla’s dad. The man that wanted to hurt her.

Chapter 20

Louis POV

“Sammy, are you sure that it’s Layla’s dad?” I asked through the phone, looking back to see Brooke still talking to Niall.

“I mean, I’m not positive but it’s looking pretty bad right now Louis. We’ll keep an eye on them and see what they are planning, and I’ll have Fernanda take a good close up picture of him, but you need to get Layla to describe him.” Sammy explained.

“Alright, I’ll try. I have to go, Niall is waving us in.” I clicked my phone off and Harry and I headed inside.

“Paul is here to pick us up.” Niall stated. We all gave Brooke a hug goodbye and headed to Paul’s SUV parked outside. “How did it go?” Paul asked once we got into the car.

“It was great! I was so happy to see Brooke and my aunt. Maybe before we leave I can go see my uncle.” Before any of us could respond Niall’s phone started ringing.

“Hello? Oh hey Brittany!” Harry and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We need to figure out what she’s up to.

“Yea I’m doing great! Yup, I share a room with Zayn. Layla shares with Harry, why? Oh alright. Well I’ll talk to you later.” Niall hung up and sighed, staring at his phone.

“Why is Brittany asking about Layla?” Harry asked after a minute.

“Yea, I mean what business does she have knowing who she is staying with?” I added in.

“I don’t know, maybe she was curious.” Niall said trying to defend her. I rolled my eyes, if only he knew that his girlfriend may or may not be trying to hurt Layla, he would be more suspicious. We let the subject drop and the rest of the car ride in silence.

Layla’s POV

I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I had a nightmare so I drank some NyQuil to help knock me out.

“Hey sleepy head!” Harry said walking into the room with a bottle of coke.

“Mmmm hi.” I said sleepily. I rubbed my eyes and stood up to stretch my legs out. I sat back down and took out my phone to see what was going on. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram with the tag #Good Afternoon. After about a minute it already had over 500 likes.

“Wow.” I said to myself.

“What?” Harry asked coming over to my bed to see what I was looking at.

“That’s a really pretty picture.” Harry said looking at me. I felt a light blush creeping on my cheeks as I mumbled a small “Thanks.” We were now looking in each other’s eyes; I never noticed how green his eyes were. Beautiful doesn’t even describe how his eyes look. Before I knew it we were leaning towards each other, we were literally centimeters away. If one of us moves just a little bit more our lips will be touching. Just as our lip were about to touch, there was a knock at the door.

Harry cleared his throat and went to go open the door. I’m sure my face was as red as a tomato, and I was smiling to myself.

“Who is it?” Harry called through the door. “Niall!” a muffled voice came back through the door. Harry opened the door and there stood Niall with a huge stuffed penguin.

“I brought your penguin Layla.” Niall came inside and handed me the stuffed penguin.

“Thanks.” I flashed him a smile and set the penguin on the side of the bed.

“Well I’ll see you later. I’m face timing with Brittany, and when she asked about the penguin it reminded me to give it to you.” A frown appeared on my face at the mention of her name. Maybe it is time to move on from Niall. I mean he has Brittany. Maybe I can find somebody that will treat me right. I mean Fernanda is now dating a guy names Max, Niall has Brittany, and would it be so bad if I started dating Harry. I really need to talk to somebody to get my feelings out.

“Do you want to go to the carnival?” Harry asked out of nowhere.

“Right now? But aren’t we grounded?” I speculated.

“Paul won’t even remember. I went to visit Niall’s family didn’t I?” He did have a good point.

“Alright, let’s go. Where is it?”

“It’s only a few blocks away. We can walk there, I’ll go tell Paul.”

“Alright, I’ll go change into something more comfortable.” I walked over to my suitcase and decided what to wear. I picked out black leggings, a loose mint top with a black tang top under, and my black TOMS. I French braided my hair and replied some make up. By the time I was finished Harry was knocking on the door asking if I was ready. I grabbed my bag and threw my phone in and some other things and headed out the room.

“Alright, let’s go.” Harry and I started walking to the elevator and while we waited we made mindless chatter. After about 10 minutes of walking we arrived to the carnival. “I’m so excited! I love carnivals!” I screamed over the music. Harry paid for both of our tickets in even though I tried to pay for mine.

“What do you want to go on first?” Harry turned to me. I looked around at all the rides and pointed to the big rollercoaster that had lots of loops. “That one? Are you sure?” Harry asked nervously.

“Aw come on, it won’t be that bad!” There weren’t many people in line so we got in quick.

Harry was pale by the time we got off. “Harry, are you ok?” I asked, laughing at his face.

“Yea, I’m good. Do you want to play a game?” Harry took me to one of those water gun games, and he won a stuffed Lion that he gave to me. We went on a few more rides and played a few more games and before I knew it we had time for one last ride. “What do you want to go on?” I asked Harry.

“Let’s go on the Farris wheel!” He exclaimed and we both took off running towards the line. While in line we took a picture with some fans and signed a few things.  

“I had a lot of fun Harry. Thanks for taking me.” I told him once we were back at the hotel.

“No problem, I had a lot of fun! We should go again another time before we leave.”

“Yea, maybe the day before we leave.” I smiled at him and went to the bathroom to have a shower and go to sleep because I was exhausted.

A/N: hey guys! Chapter 20!! Yay! What did you guys think of the chapter? Were you expecting it? Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes! No goal, but please still vote and comment! xxx

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