Chapter 21

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“No problem, I had a lot of fun! We should go again another time before we leave.”

“Yea, maybe the day before we leave.” I smiled at him and went to the bathroom to have a shower and go to sleep because I was exhausted.

Chapter 21

Layla’s POV

To say I’m nervous is an understatement; the concert was in a few days! I have barely eaten anything all day, and that’s saying something. It’s been about a week since Harry and I went to the carnival and we’ve gotten a lot closer. Niall went to go visit Brittany so he’s been gone for a few days, but he’s coming back tomorrow.

“Hey, do you want to go for a walk and get some ice cream?” Louis stepped into my room without knocking.

“You know I could have been getting dressed.” I said in a matter of fact tone.

“Yea but you weren’t.” Louis shot back, a smirk on his face.

“Whatever. Let’s go! I could use some ice cream, could calm down my nerves a bit.” I got up from my bed and got the room key, just in case Harry wasn’t back by the time we came back. He left about half an hour ago, but he didn’t tell me where he was going.

“Are you super nervous to open the show?” Louis asked me once we stepped out of the elevator.

“Yea, super nervous. Were you like this before you’re first concert?”

“Yes, for X-Factor, I threw up every time we had a live concert. But now I’m used to it, and even though I still get a bit nervous, it’s not as bad.” Louis explained. I nodded my head and lost myself in deep thought.

“Oh my god is that Layla and Louis!?” I heard a girl scream from behind us. Crap, maybe we should have worn disguises. Soon enough, there was a huge crowd chasing us. We ran away as fast as we could, I mean we would have stopped to take a few pictures, but there were at least 100 of them, and they were out for blood.

“Run faster!” Louis screamed grabbing my arm. I ran as fast as I could, and soon enough we were both is garbage cans hiding.

“Layla?” Louis whispered.

“Shh, they still could be out there.” I hushed him and listened for any noise. A little after I poked my head out of the garbage can and saw that the cost was clear. I hopped out, scraping my knee a bit.

“Wow, I’m glad I didn’t wear sandals today.” I breathed out, taking a deep breath.

“We smell like rotten poop.” Louis made a disgusted face, smelling himself.

“Forget the ice cream, let’s go home and shower. Is there anybody that can pick us up?” I asked Louis. He thought about it for a minute before taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing a number.

“HAZZA! WE ALMOST DIED!” Louis exclaimed into the phone.

“SHHHH! People could be around! Give me the phone.” Louis handed me the phone and I put it up to my ear.

“Harry, we got chased by fans and need a ride home. You know how to drive right?”

“Yea, I’ll be there soon. Where are you guys at?” Harry replied.

“Uh… I don’t know. Hold on one second.” I walked to the corner so I could see the street name.

“We’re on 21st street, on some corner.” I told Harry.

“Alright, I’ll be there soon.” The line went dead and I handed the phone back to Louis. I reached into my back pocket and felt that it was empty. “Louis do you have my wallet?”

“No, did you drop it while you were running?”

“No, I had it when we got into the dumpster. Maybe it’s still there, I’ll check.” I pulled myself up, not trying to get into the garbage, but enough to see. Unfortunately, my plan didn’t work out so well because I landed face first in the garbage. I picked myself up and looked up to see Louis laughing hysterically.

“Gee thanks for the help.” I mumbled to myself sarcastically. I began searching for the wallet. I even got under some trash bags looking for it.

“Oh my god where is it?!” I wasn’t really concerned about the money or anything, but the wallet contained a special of my mom, my sister, and I. When I still couldn’t find it I began hysterically looking for it, and at this point I was screaming and had tears streaming down my face.

“Layla, calm down!” Louis screamed. I looked up to see him holding my wallet in his hand. I stormed out of the garbage and snatched the wallet out of his hand.

“NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME LOUIS! NEVER!” I slumped down against the trashcan and began cradling the wallet and continued crying. He probably thought I was over-reacting, but the picture in that wallet was taken a week before they died, and it’s the only copy I had.

“Layla are you ok?” I looked up to see Harry crouched down next to me.

“I’m fine.” I wiped my eyes and stormed to the car, slamming the door. I sat in the back seat and pulled out the picture to get a look before Harry and Louis came to the car. They both got in silently and I sighed to myself. I felt bad, I’m not a mean person, and I rarely go off on people, unless they really deserve it, and I don’t think Louis really deserved it. I sat up in my seat and tapped on Louis shoulder.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you. You didn’t deserve it… that much.” I looked down at my hands, waiting for his response.

“I forgive you. But if you don’t mind me asking, why is the wallet so important?” I took out the picture and showed it to him, and a look of understanding washed over his face.

“I’m sorry Layla, I had no idea.” Louis apologized.

“It’s alright, you didn’t know.” I sat back in my seat, looking out the window at the pretty sights.

“Finally home!” Louis shouted as we reached the building. We entered through the back door so we could get inside without being mobbed. I walked to my room with Harry behind me and we went inside.

“I’m going to go shower, I’ll be out soon.” I told him heading towards the bathroom.

“Alright, when you’re done get dressed up, something fancy; I’m taking you out tonight.” Harry told me grinning. I grinned back at him and went to shower the stink off of me.

Once I got out I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. I stepped out of the bathroom to look for a dress to wear. I picked out a pale blue strapless dress that had a shade darker of blue as polka dots, and I paired it with a black crochet belt. I went into the bathroom to straighten my hair and put on my makeup.

I put a thin layer or liquid eyeliner on my top lid and, and a little bit of crayon eyeliner on my water line. I put slight blush and a little bit of lip gloss. Checking the mirror, I decided I had done enough. I grabbed a pair of black high heels and slipped them on. I grabbed my black wristlet and put my phone and some money in it. I was excited, was this a date? I’m almost positive that it was. I heard a knock on my door and went to answer it.

“Hey Layla. Wow! You look stunning! Where are you going?” Niall asked, and look of confusion on his face.

“Harry is taking me out tonight.” I said smiling to myself. An unrecognizable look crossed Niall’s face, he flashed me a smile, but it seemed forced.

“Oh, well have fun.” Niall said walking away.

“Wait!” I called out, “What did you need?” I mean, he had to have come for a reason.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He flashed me a small smile and walked away.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I’ve been so busy! What did you think of the chapter? I hope you liked it! Goal for this chapter is 7 votes and 5 comments! Let’s see how fast we can get this done! xxx

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