Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Well, today was the day. The day of the concert. I hope everything will be normal, I mean it has to be a joke right.

“Good morning” Fernanda stretched and cracked her back.

“That’s disgusting.” I crinkled my nose at her bad habit.

“Are you nervous for tonight?” I nodded my head and began biting my nails, something I always do when I get nervous.

“And you call my habit disgusting.” Fernanda pointed at my fingers. I laughed and threw a pillow at her, getting up out of bed to go brush my teeth.  Once I finished brushing my teeth and getting myself situated I threw on sweatpants and a T-shirt and walked downstairs with Fernanda to get breakfast.

“…and then I was like whatever, you are cut off, you can leave.” Fernanda was babbling about some girl she argued with the other night over a pair of shoes, but I stopped paying attention once I saw Niall sitting down by himself eating breakfast. He was on his phone and once he saw me he stood up and left the food bar. Tears rimmed my eyes; I was so upset that he didn’t believe me.

“Uh, actually, I’m just going to head upstairs, I’m not that hungry.  I turned and walked out of the food bar, I didn’t know where I was going, but my heart felt heavy. I wondered around the lobby for a while, and soon found myself on the roof. I sat down and looked at the clouds, just allowing myself to get lost in the thoughts.

“There you are.” I turned around and saw Louis walking towards me, a stack of pancakes in his hand.

“How did you know where I was?” I asked, taking the pancakes gratefully.

“Sammy went looking for you but Fernanda said you were upset and skipped breakfast. I noticed you go outside when you need to think.”

“Yea, there’s a lot on my mind.” I sighed, taking a small bite of the pancake.

“Care to share? I know it’s something big because you haven’t devoured your pancakes yet.” I smirked and fumbled with my hands.

“Well, I told Niall about Brittany and he accused me of lying to try to break up his relationship, and someone is threatening me.” I sighed and laid down on the concrete beneath me.

“Wait a sec, someone is threatening you?” Louis asked, a look of anger coming across his face.

“Someone named Mr.B has been sending me texts and has a twitter account. You follow them.” I stated, closing my eyes.

“I have never followed anyone named Mr.B, I would remember. What have they been texting you?”

“A lot of riddles and stuff like ‘Your time is almost to an end’ I got one this morning saying that today is the day I say goodbye.”

“Oh god, this is like Mr.X all over again.” Louis shook his head and laid down next to me.

“What was that whole Mr.X thing?” I asked, turning to face him.

“Some crazy people began sending us riddles and saying that we were going to get shot while we were preforming at Madison Square Garden. It really freaked us out; we wore bullet proof vests under out clothes that night.”

“Did anything happen, like did anyone try to smuggle a gun?”

“Nope, nothing happened that night, but we were all on edge. Trust me, you’ll be fine.” He pulled me closer and I snuggled into his chest, Louis was like a big brother to me. He defended me when he had to, and he protected me like we were blood. He looked at his phone and sighed,

“It’s time to get ready for the concert.” I groaned and stood up; this would be the first concert that I didn’t want to go to.  I really hope nothing happened tonight.

I’ll be in the front row ok, so will Sammy.” I nodded and hugged Fernanda. Olivia couldn’t come because she got food poisoning from some bad seafood her and her boyfriend went to eat. I was getting my hair curled and looking at different outfits for the concert.

I picked out a pair of ripped jeans, a shirt with an anchor and white converse. I went to go change and then I got my makeup done. I tried looking for Paul but I couldn’t find him, I guess him and security were having a meeting. I wanted to ask Niall if he told Paul about Mr.B, but decided against it. I walked to the boys’ dressing room and knocked before entering.

“Hey Layla you look nice.” Zayn commented, slugging his arm over my shoulder.

“Thanks Zayn, you don’t look so bad yourself.” I joked. I walked over to Louis and sat down next to him.

“You ok?” He asked, looking at me with concern in his eyes.

“I don’t know Louis, I’m really nervous.”

“Layla you are on deck.” A voice boomed from the speakers. I sighed and got up; I gave each boy a hug, telling them how much I loved them. I looked for Niall, but he wasn’t in the room. I walked to the curtains and waited for my cue.

I went on stage and I performed a few songs, my hands were shaking the entire time. I looked at the watch I had on my wrist and it was 8:55.

“This last song is called people like us!” I began singing the final notes and the smoke machines came on, and when I hit the last word all the lights cut off and I felt the floor fall beneath me.

Niall’s POV

I couldn’t watch her anymore. Layla looked so nervous, it killed me. I was still upset with her, I mean trying to destroy my relationship like that. She had some nerve. Maybe she was trying to figure out how to handle this Mr.B thing, which was most likely a prank. I stepped outside for some air. We go on 5 minutes after Layla comes off so I had my alarm set. I was enjoying the chill breeze when I saw something move in the ground. One of those sewer tops was…..moving? I watched and a man came out, he had something in his arms… wait, not something, someone! I screamed when I saw it was Layla. I started running towards the man when someone came outside from backstage. It was one of the security guards, thank god!

“HELP, HE HAS LAYLA!” I pointed to the man who stopped and looked at me, the security guard came running towards us and he had something in his hand… IT WAS A GUN! He was going to shoot the man who had Layla! I turned around to go get help when I saw the guard coming right at me, he pinned me to the ground and put a white towel over my mouth and nose, it smelt funny, but I need to help Layla! Layla, I have to help her. I can’t let anything happen to her! I tried fighting back but this guard was huge, I felt a fogginess wash over me, and darkness consumed me.

A/N: Hey everybody!! Hope you like this chapter! Please vote and tell me what you think! Before I post the next chapter I need 5 comments and 5 votes. Let’s see how fast this can be done! The book is almost over! Wahhhh! xxx

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