Chapter 18

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“It was fun! I got Layla a penguin because I know it’s her favorite animal, and maybe it will help her forgive me faster.” I laughed and shook my head. Wow, I guess he really did like Layla, but now the question is do I like her too? Or do my feelings for Fernanda overpower the ones for Layla?

Chapter 18

I woke up and it was already the next day, I staying up late with Harry wore me out. I stretched myself out and sat up in bed, looking over to see Harry still sleeping. I’m pretty sure we started sound check today and we start rehearsals, and next week we start tour. I’m so nervous! I got up out of my bed and went to shower. I washed my body with my favorite watermelon shampoo and conditioner, and my strawberry body wash.

I stepped out into the cold air and I realized that I forgot my towel and clothes in the other room. I stood there shivering, hoping that Harry wasn’t awake. I poked my head out of the door, and no such luck. He was sitting up on his bed watching TV. This was going to be really awkward.

“Err, Harry!” I called out from the closed door.

“Yeah?!” He called back.

“I kind of forgot my towel and clothes! Could you either turn around or hand them to me?” I felt a blush start creeping onto my face.

“Why don’t I hand you the towel and then leave the room so you can get dressed in this space?”

“Uh, yea that’s fine, thanks!” I stuck my hand out the door while keeping my body hidden in the bathroom. I felt a fluffy towel be put in my hand, and then I heard the front door close. I wrapped myself in the white towel then poked my head out to make sure Harry was gone. I stepped out and locked the front door and began to look for what to wear.

I ended up wearing a beige crop top with blue little designs, my blue skinny jeans, and my beige uggs. I stepped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and pulled my wavy hair into a high ponytail. I decided to put light blush on my cheeks, but nothing else. I never really liked makeup, and if I could avoid it, I would.

“Layla are you done?” Harry called from outside the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Harry standing with an IHOP carry out bag.

“Did I really take that long that you could walk to IHOP and back?” I asked, grabbing the take out bag from Harry and closing the door once he was inside.

“Well, there is an IHOP across the street and since there went many people it got done quickly.” Harry explained. I opened my bag and a grin stretched across my face when I saw the amount of food Harry brought.

“Is this all for us?” I asked him, taking out one of the containers, opening it to see scrambled eggs.

“Yup, I didn’t know what you liked so I got a little of everything.”

“I like anything that I can eat!” I grabbed a plastic plate and put 3 pancakes, 3 scoops of eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, and one waffle, and then went to my bed to start eating. Harry grabbed the exact same, except he only got 2 pieces of bacon.

I finished all my food and went in for seconds. I got more bacon and pancakes and went to sit next to Harry to eat.

“How can you eat so much and stay so thin? I’m full and I am eating less then you!” Harry asked looking amazed as I continued to eat. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat.

“I swear you and Niall are the same.” Harry mumbled. I laughed and took a sip of my orange juice that Harry gave to me. Once I was done I threw away my plate and plopped down on my bed, texting Olivia and Fernanda back. I wonder what they are up to.

Fernanda’s POV

*back in London*

“Do you see her?” I asked Olivia, who was crouched down next to me behind the bush.

“Nope, where the he- Oh! There she is!” I followed my gaze and sure enough I saw Brittany sitting with the same guy from yesterday at the little restaurant. Thankfully, they were sitting outside, so we had a good look on them. Louis had asked us to keep an eye on her for Niall, and to keep him posted. I don’t think the guy she is sitting with is a love interest though, because they never hug or anything and he looks a lot older than her. He looks old enough to be her father, but they didn’t resemble at all.

“Who is he?” Olivia asked, squinting her eyes at the old man. “And where is Sammy?” 

“I have no idea who he is, and Sammy doesn’t want to wait on them because Brittany knows her, so she is inside watching them.” I explained to Olivia. We were at Nandos, and because Sammy worked there we were glad that we had somebody on the inside. I snapped a picture of them together with my phone and with my camera, and then got up and walked to the store next door.

“He looks so familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it!” Olivia said, looking through a rack of clothes.

“I know! I feel like I have seen him before, or he looks like somebody we know.” I huffed a breath, grinding my teeth, a bad habit that I had since I was little. I usually only did it when I was frustrated, but I also did it a night.

“Let me text Sammy and see if she knows who he is.” I told Olivia who was now paying for a shirt she bought. I rolled my eyes at her; she had a major shopping addiction. We walked out and got an ice cream from dairy queen and sat down on a bench. I still had that guy racing through my mind, Sammy didn’t know, I didn’t know, and Olivia didn’t know.  I looked at my phone and saw that I had an incoming call from Sammy.

“Hello?” I answered, wondering why she called me while she was work.

“I know who he looks like!” She breathed out.

Niall’s POV

“Yea, I got it. We’ll be there soon.” Liam spoke into the phone, I guess to Mary, our vocal coach. We were in the lobby of the hotel, waiting on Zayn and Layla, who went with Paul to get the car. Layla and I hadn’t spoken one word to each other. The one time we made eye contact she only made one of those awkward smiles that should even count as a smile because your mouth looks more like a line.

They pulled up to the front and we ran out, hearing the hundreds of screams from the girls outside. I waved to them and signed a few things, not wanting to be mean. I mean, they dedicate their time to us, waiting for just a glimpse, it’s the least I could do.

“Hurry up Niall!” Paul screamed from the driver’s seat. I signed one last piece of paper and hopped into the car.

“Off to vocals we go!” Louis screamed as Paul drove off, careful not to hit any girls. I really needed to apologize to Layla ASAP; I really can’t stand not talking her. It’s eating me alive.

A/N: Hey guys! What do you think of the chapter? I liked it! Next chapter a new character will be introduced name Brooke, so that’s your teaser! No certain vote or comment for this chapter, but I would really love if you guys still voted and commented. What did you think of Fernanda’s POV?  Tell me what you think! xxx

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