Author's Note

813 11 28

Hi people, I know this isn't something you really want to see but first of all, sorry again for disappearing like half a year. It's been really crazy and all that due to current situation, you know, but it's all gonna get better soon. School's ending in like three weeks and I'll be able to write more then. There's something that I want to ask, I've been going through some previous chapters and your comments and I feel like there are some important details that I left out... sorry again for that I had to admit a lot of things were not thoroughly thought about when this fic was first written, so I wanna go back and maybe add a few more chapters to parts where you find information is insufficient, but I also really want to continue writing the later parts. Can I get some comments telling what you'd like to see? A small vote maybe? Any idea about what you think should've been there but is not, anything is fine. And don't feel compelled to say anything if you don't feel like it I might end up doing everything anyway, but I'd like to hear what you have to say so I can make this fic better. I'll be back soon and thanks so much for all of your support and all. Bye for now :D

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