Chapter 72: Modern Day Life Graduation Trip Part Six

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A/N: Ayyyyy some horseback riding and something else I dunno here starts chapter 72 please enjoy!!!!

On the ferry to Ie Island, Emilia, Rem, Ram, and Beatrice were standing by the handle bars, looking down at the ocean sliding by beneath them, widen-eyed at how they broke through the small waves and looking at their own rippling reflections on the surface of the water. Brushing their hairs behind their ears, Rem and Emilia turned toward Subaru, their faces lit up with bright smiles. "Rem supposes this is our first time on a boat, Subaru-kun. The sensation is amazing." Rem said, and Emilia nodded. "Yeah, Subaru! It's a bit shaky but the floaty feeling is so refreshing!" Emilia exclaimed, and Subaru chuckled.

"Glad you feel that way. Some less fortunate people would feel otherwise." Subaru said, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder. On the other side of the ferry, Hinata was, once again, vomiting spectacularly into the ocean, attracting much fish in their wake. "Will he be alright? Should we give him some help?" Emilia said concernedly, looking over to Beatrice. She pulled her gaze away from the ocean and turned to them. "Betty supposes it should be fine. Betty will do it, in fact." Beatrice said.

"Eh? Ah, wait, are you gonna use..." Subaru said, catching up with their conversation. "Not to worry, Subaru, Betty supposes." Beatrice said with a small smile. Subaru paused for a few seconds and smiled as well. "Alright, if you say so." He said, and along with Beatrice, walked to Hinata. "You feeling better now?" Haruka asked after another almighty belch from Hinata. "A bit... haha. Man, my only two weaknesses, airsickness and seasickness..." Hinata said, chuckling weakly. "Mattaku, we did warn you about this, didn't we? And you had to eat so much earlier..." Aki said with a facepalm, his hand rubbing him on the back nevertheless.

"Natsuno-san," Beatrice said, making the three turn to her. "Better now?" Subaru asked, and Hinata, taking a sip of water from his bottle, nodded. "Yeah, I'm a bit better now, now that I emptied two thirds of my stomach... oh god it's coming again--" He broke up and threw himself over the bars and wretched into the ocean again. Beatrice placed her hand on his back just like Aki, and under the pretence of giving him a rub and with the aid of the bright sunlight, Beatrice performed the magic without any of the three noticing. "...Whew, now it's definitely better... Hey it really is! The nausea's going away!" Hinata said, straightening back up and grinning.

"You, calm the hell down, and go sit down!" Aki and Haruka said in unison, giving him a slap on the back and urging him to go sit down in a chair. "Yokatta na, Bea-ko." Subaru said, smiling, and she gave him a small nod in return. The two went back to the other three girls. "Has Natsuno-san got better now?" Ram asked, looking sideways at them. "Yeah, Bea-ko's given him the medicine." Subaru said, and Emilia looked relieved. "I'm glad to hear that." She said, and Rem nodded. "If only we knew Natsuno-san was suffering from airsickness as well, we could have helped him feel better." Rem said.

"Eh? So you've treated someone else on our way here?" Subaru asked, and Rem nodded. "Hai, Subaru-kun. Rem has treated Aya-san on the plane under Beatrice-sama's permission." Rem said, and Subaru, with his hands held together behind his head, let out a long 'heeeeh'. "That wouldn't interfere with the frequency, would it?" Subaru asked. "It wouldn't, Subaru, Betty supposes. As Rem performed the magic yesterday, Betty was adjusting her mana release so the disturbance was kept to a bare minimum, in fact." Beatrice explained, and Subaru nodded in understanding.

Several seagulls flew above their heads, squawking loudly and drawing the five's attentions. "...This world is a really good world. I think I will miss it very much, once we go back." Emilia said suddenly, looking at the birds. "Ah ah, I will as well, Emilia-tan." Subaru replied quietly. They watched the birds of freedom a bit more until they flew away, riding the wind and rising higher into the bright blue sky. "Barusu, Emilia-sama has caught your sentimental virus. Apologize now." Ram said, looking at him from the corner of her eye. "I'm experiencing mixed feelings now. Firstly, it's the sentiment triggered by Emilia-tan's words. Secondly, it's the exasperation induced by Nee-sama you roasting me in a moment like that. Lastly, it's the slight pride I felt after hearing you use the word 'virus' so naturally." Subaru said, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

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