Chapter 58: Modern Day Life Lesson Forty One

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A/N: Part 6 of the update let's go!!! Part 6 is great!! Part 6 is clever!!! Part 6 just got animated!! Part 6 don't stop beating them up!!!! Aw shoot that's the wrong part 6 XDD Chapter 58!!! Please enjoy!!!

Subaru woke up on Sunday early feeling suddenly nervous with the prospect of Valentine's Day being less than twenty four hours away, and thinking that the whole clothes shopping that was about to happen soon would be quite chaotic because of Hinata's overflowing enthusiasm, he couldn't help but shudder. Just like Saturday, they all got up at around nine, and after breakfast, when it was ten past ten, the doorbell rang, and Subaru went to get the door, revealing Hinata, grinning brighter than usual and holding quite a large bag, and Aki, looking more awake this time.

"Rem will be looking forward to seeing Subaru-kun in a dress on Valentine's Day." Rem said, smiling, as Subaru was putting on his shoes. "Ahaha... I will try to make it good..." Subaru said with a weak smile. "See you later today, Betty supposes, Subaru." Beatrice said. "We're gonna have a lot of fun today!" Hinata said, his eyes already shining with a somewhat dangerous gleam. "You, clam the hell down, honestly." Aki said, karate-chopping on his head. "Ah man... guess if you wanna look pretty you gotta endure the struggle before..." Subaru said in defeat, holding his forehead while Rem smiled.

"I'll be going! And tomorrow I'm gonna surprise you all!" Subaru said, giving them a thumbs up. "We'll be looking forward to it." Emilia said while Ram showed him her usual defiant smug smile. "Ittekimasu!" Subaru said, bringing the door shut. "Itterashai," The girls said, waving. The three guys walked down the stairs and toward the bus station, taking the same path as the girls did yesterday. "Alright, Natsuno, let's get ourselves clarified first. Trade offer, we receive: a proper, self-controlled Natsuno Hinata, you receive: a good and enjoyable clothes shopping. Deal?" Aki said, holding his hands together and talking in a rather solemn tone.

"Yeah of course, I never plan to make you do anything crazy from the beginning." Hinata said, grinning. "But can't guarantee you anything about Kurenai-san though. Artists aren't predictable at all." He added, and a dark look appeared on Aki's face. "This Kurenai-san you've been talking about, she's a worker at the shop?" Subaru asked, and Hinata nodded. "Yep, she's the shop owner actually. We got on very good terms ever since I discovered that excellent shop. She's a really nice person, so don't worry." Hinata said. "Nice but unpredictable, marvelous." Aki said bitterly, and the two laughed, followed by a sigh from Subaru in the end.

The three arrived at the bus station. "Alright seriously now, have you two given what you wanna get a thought?" Hinata asked, turning around to them, and the two nodded slowly. "I want something with a dark color." Aki said. "Nice, that narrows the range, a bit." Hinata said, laughing. "What about you, Subaru?" Hinata looked over to Subaru, who was taking out a notebook from his bag. "I actually doodled something down." He said, handing the notebook to him. "Excellent!!!" Hinata exclaimed, taking the notebook and flipping it open. There were three pages with Subaru's drawing on it.

"You've got taste, hehe." Hinata said, closing the notebook with a snap, handing it back to Subaru. "Yeah I know." Subaru said, chuckling. The bus was arriving. "Should I be admiring your effort in drawing those stuff down or alarmed by the fact that you seem to have an unusually clear picture of yourself as a woman in your mind?" Aki asked as the bus slowly coming to a stop in front of them. "I dunno just get on the bus Aki." Subaru said, pushing Aki in the back, and Hinata laughed. The three got on the bus, and it left, bringing up the leaves and dust on the ground.

Halfway to the mall, Subaru asked Hinata the question he'd been meaning to ask. "Hinata," Subaru said, and Hinata, who was looking out the window, turned to him. "Yeah Subaru?" He said, and Subaru pointed at the bag he was holding. "Why do you have such a big bag with you?" He asked, and Hinata grinned. "My stuff and stuff for you." He said. "What do you mean stuff for us?" Aki asked ominously. Hinata didn't answer but put his hand in the bag and retrieved it with a wig in it. "...Can I get off the bus now...?" Aki said, face-palming. "Well Aki, face it. There's no going back." Subaru said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Oh screw you you freaking asshole who came up with it!!" Aki growled, strangling Subaru, while Hinata trembled with suppressed laughter.

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