A/N: Hiiiiii, here's the second chapter in an update!!! I hope these chapters can make up for the long wait!!! Please enjoy!!!!
The next morning, Subaru woke up really early. "What's the time..." He muttered as his eyes moved slowly from the ceiling to the clock hanging on the wall. "Damn... it's only five forty? Why the hell am I waking up so early? Man I feel like an old man..." He mumbled and decided to get up and go for a walk before breakfast. As he walked passed the girls' room, he tiptoed to the door and pressed his ear against it, hoping that he didn't wake them up while he was doing his routine and getting changed.
"Good, they're all still asleep." He thought and nodded to himself. Subaru left the apartment and started strolling down the street, feeling the slightly chilly morning breeze brushing against his face. He decided to have a look at the restaurant Matsushita sensei recommended to him yesterday, so he headed toward the gourmet street. It was not far away from his place, and it only took him about ten minutes to walk there.
"Ah, it's here." Subaru thought as he stopped in front of the small restaurant. It was located in an alley just at the end of the gourmet street, and the storefront emitted a modest yet elegant kind of feeling. "It seems to be a really nice restaurant." Subaru said, and he approached the small restaurant for a closer look. The menu was displayed on a small black board embedded on the brick wall outside the restaurant, and on the black board were also other information such as the business hours.
"Ehhh~~~?? It's closed on Mondays??" Subaru heaved a sigh, feeling slightly disappointed that they had to wait for another day to eat at this place. "Ma, iika. I have work to do today anyways." He thought, looked at this Italian restaurant again and headed back home. As he got back home, he saw Emilia walking out the bedroom, yawning behind her hand.
"Ohayou, Emilia-tan!" Subaru said, and she gave a little jolt at his voice. "S-Subaru?? You're already up??" She asked, a bit surprised and slightly embarrassed that he saw her yawning rather widely. "Well I somehow just woke up, you know." He said, shrugging. "Anyways, I'm gonna bake some bacon pancakes. Do you want anything else?" Subaru asked. "Um, maybe some poached eggs?" Emilia suggested. "Roger that." Subaru said and went to the kitchen.
"Need any help?" Emilia asked, lifting up the curtains hanging at the door to the kitchen. "Nah, I'm fine here. But you can help me wake up the others when breakfast is ready. I figure that if I go wake any of them up I'll have slaps and punches for breakfast." Subaru said and chuckled. "Alright, then. Thank you, Subaru." Emilia said and withdrew herself back to the living room.
She sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV and started watching the morning news. Though she'd long been away from the political campaign, Emilia still tried to absorb as much knowledge that could help her to become a better candidate for the ruler of Lugnica, and she found the news a great source for her to learn not only about what was going on in Subaru's world but also the world's politics.
The news was reporting about the mysterious wormhole discovery again. "Hm, I wonder if this some kind of huge discovery..." Emilia thought as she continue to watch the news. A few minutes later, Subaru's voice came from the kitchen. "Breakfast ready." He said and walked out the kitchen with trays in his hands. Emilia replied with a smile and nod and went to the room. Just as she was about to open the door, it opened itself and the twins came out in their nightgowns, followed by a still sleepy looking Beatrice.
"Oh, I was about to wake you." Emilia giggled and let the girls to proceed to their morning routines. "Ohayou, minna!!" Subaru said energetically with his hands on his hips. "Shut it, Barusu. Your loud voice is already annoying and it sounds especially sinister today." Ram growled at him with shadows covering her face. Beatrice was also glaring at him as if she wanted to strangle him with her death glare. "Ma ma, Nee-sama, Beatrice-sama, let's go brush our teeth and comb our hairs." Rem said softly and gave a small push on each of their back, and the two obliged but still with frowns on their faces.

Re: Life In The Original World From Zero [A Re:Zero Fiction]
FanfictionHey people 👋👋 This's a Re:Zero fan fiction! I only watched the anime and I haven't finished the novel yet so I don't know what happens after episode 25. ------------------------------ *EDIT* I've finished both two seasons and the light novels but...