A/N: Ayyyyy the expansion of the old chapter 4 part 2!!! Please enjoy!!!
"Okay, before we start learning history and science, there's one thing that I should've taught you yesterday when we were learning about the numbers. So, forgive me for forgetting that." Subaru said and bowed his head. It was the following morning and the five of them, plus a small silver cat, were all in the living room again, about to start the lesson of the day. "No worries, Subaru. What is it that you forgot to teach us?" Emilia asked curiously.
"The days of the week, the months of the year, that is to say, the calendar." Subaru said, showing them a calendar in his hand. "Yes, of course you forgot one of the most important things to teach us." Ram said as she rolled her eyes. "Typical, Betty supposes." Beatrice added, also rolling her eyes. "You two should start a standup talk show, honestly." Subaru said as he rolled his eyes as well, and Emilia and Rem giggled. "So how do we read the calendar, Subaru-kun?" Rem asked, pulling him back onto the topic of the calendar.
"Right. First of all, there are seven days in a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And the first day of a week is Monday, and the last is Sunday. Technically the first day is Sunday, but it's been officially dictated that the first day is Monday, so let's just just remember that Monday is the first." Subaru said, writing down the days of the week down on a paper. "And there are usually around five weeks in a month, it depends." Subaru said. "What do you mean it depends?" Emilia asked, tilting her head. "You see, since there are twenty eight, or twenty nine, or thirty, or thirty one days in a month, it really depends on which day of the week the month starts on." Subaru explained, but he thought he wasn't doing it clearly enough since the girls all showed visible confusion.
"Here, let's start with learning the names of the months first and the pattern. That's gonna make it easier to understand." Subaru said, and he flipped through the pages of the calendar to the last one, which showed the calendar of the year. "There are twelve months in a year. The first one is January, then February, then March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. And it starts from January again." Subaru said. "And in January, there are thirty one days. In February, it can be either twenty eight or twenty nine days. I'll explain that later. Next is March and it has thirty one days, and April has thirty days. The pattern goes like this, thirty one, thirty, thirty one, thirty, you get it. After a month with thirty one days, the next will only have thirty days, and the next will have thirty one again." Subaru continued to explain.
"The exceptions are February, July, and August. February has only twenty eight days, and every four years it will have twenty nine days instead. As for July and August, they both have thirty one days." Subaru finished at last, and the girls all nodded. "After looking at the full year cycle on the calendar, it does bear some resemblances with ours, so it's not too hard to memorize." Emilia said, holding her chin with her hand. "Here, let me show you a tip that helps children learn." Subaru said and held out his fist.
"Hold out your fist like this," He said, and all the girls did the same. "Look at the back of your hand and you see your knuckles, right? Look at it this way, the leftmost knuckle is January, and the part between the first and the second knuckles is February." Subaru said as he pointed at his knuckles. "It goes like this, January, February, March," He continued and pointed at the part of his hand he was referring to. "October, November, December. Noticed the pattern? When I point at the knuckles, it's the months with thirty one days, and when I point at the parts between the knuckles, it's the months with thirty days or fewer." Subaru finished, and the girls nodded in comprehension and started pointing at their own knuckles and muttering the months.
"Ah, I see. This way it's much easier to memorize the pattern." Emilia said. "And when we arrive at July we just go back to the leftmost knuckle right, Subaru-kun?" Rem asked, and Subaru nodded. "Yep, you're right." He answered. "Hm, this is a rather clever way to help learn the months." Ram said, looking at her hand. "Credits go to whoever came up with ths, not Barusu though." She added, and Subaru swallowed the compliment he was about to give her. "Alright, now you know the months, I'll tell you how we write the date. For example, today is the tenth day of June, so we just say it like June tenth. Easy enough, right?" Subaru said, and the girls nodded.

Re: Life In The Original World From Zero [A Re:Zero Fiction]
FanfictionHey people 👋👋 This's a Re:Zero fan fiction! I only watched the anime and I haven't finished the novel yet so I don't know what happens after episode 25. ------------------------------ *EDIT* I've finished both two seasons and the light novels but...