Reckoning II

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This was as good a plan as any.

I wore a black suit and carried my new trident in a briefcase and knives in my sleeves.

When the black SUV dropped me off, Mrs Baker held my hand "Be careful, and I'm not just saying this because if you die I dissappear."

"Sure thing Lois." I said. I hugged her and stepped out of the car and walked into the Onyx Incorporated HQ.

When I got to the front desk,(which looked awesome btw.) I looked at the receptionist, who was no doubt surprised by my appearance age and whatnot. "Welcome to Onyx Incorporated. How may I help you?"

"Mr Kraft is here in Paris. I would like to see him."

"I'm sorry do you have an appointment?" She said, looking into her computer.

"I don't. Just tell him that Kerös Pellrima is here to turn himself in." I said, giving her my best smile.

She got over her initial shock and made the call. Four minutes later, the elevator dinged and four guards in black suits came out.

four. I can take them.

"Right this way sir." One of them said. I followed them into the elevator and once the doors closed and we headed upwards I spoke. "Which floor is Mr. Kraft."

I was greeted with silence. "Okay." I said "I'll just have to figure it out myself."

I pulled out my knives and attacked the guards.


He had to be okay.

This plan was majorly suicidal. Don't forget idiotic.

"Calm down, he's fine. The kid can hold his own in a fight." Ander said, pulling out his cube thingy.

"But those Onyx guards are well trained." I said

"So is he. from birth might I add." He pulled up a holographic keyboard and started doing that thing that nerd do when they're about to show you something awesome.

"I'm in."

"Into what."

"I hacked into the Onyx satellite."

"Wait. Atila said that it was his pride and joy. That it was digitally impenetrable." I said.

"Nothing is impenetrable," Ander said "The elevator is about to get to the fiftieth floor."

"I'm in." Savio said over the comms.

"Okay, Boreas you're up." Ander said.

"I don't like this idea one bit." Boreas said.

He opened the van and stood out side. "My craziest stunt yet, and it won't be on live television."

"How fast is he going to be shot upward again."

"About one hundred meters per second."

"Don't worry I'll catch him." Savio said. "I'll try to."

"Now." Ander said

"Boreas clicked the button on his wrist and shot upwards so quickly I almost didn't see him get snatched out by a teleporting Kerös.

"We're in." Boreas said "best stunt ever."

"Let's finish this." I heard Savio say. "Memphis you know what you have to do."

"Yes." I said "Ander let's move, Henry will be waiting."


"You're name is Kerös?" Boreas said As we walked to the door to Atila's office.

"Yeah, that's what the K stands for."

"I figured something like Kermit of Kevin."

"Gods no." I said "You ready?"

"Yes... No." Boreas said.

I shifted (trying to simplify teleported.) to the other side of the door. What we saw was a pretty normal office, with Atila at his desk.

"Welcome children." He said

"This ends now." I said "You will answer for all your crimes."

"I'd much rather not, thank you very much."

He got up and walked to me. The silence was unnerving. "Easy way or hard way, big guy." Boreas said, he was a bit tall for his age in my opinion.

"You have no idea how much power I now possess."

"You don't. Interpol froze all your accounts, all signals out of this building have been jammed. It's just me and you." I said

"And me. Don't forget me."

"Yeah. My friend is holding a mossberg and he isn't afraid to use it."

"Precisely. I have been endowed with every ability I've harnessed." The next voice that came out was not his Son of Pellrima, I will feast on your flesh.

"Creepy." Boreas said.

"You will try."

Atila moved at a superhuman speed and hit Boreas. Boreas flew through the glass and fell down fifty floors.


"Now its just you and me, Kerös." Atila's eyes glowed "Let's see what you're made of."


*evil laugh.

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At this point I want to thank everyone who has followed the story to this point. God bless.

Don't stop now.


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