Choices II

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The was a large surge of power accompanied by a loud piercing sound that spread everywhere. Everyone bent over and covered their ears. The sound ceased and people looked up.

I couldn't see it, but everyone else said I looked different, that I was radiating a lot of power, and my aura was glowing, although not blood red.

Mallothi Ekiane walked foward "I won't give up." He said "The Empire will fall." This time in the voice I knew too well, Helio's.

You think you have won. I will return, stronger than ever. I will destroy you all I will feast upon your flesh..

"Spare us the nonsense, Helio." Someone said from behind me in a voice that wasn't raised, but was heard by everyone. "You can try, but you will fail."

I turned and saw four people I didn't know.

"The Free." Kad mi-el said "They return to us, after all these years."

The tallest one raised his hand and Mallothi Ekiane was bound by chains that just appeared on him. "Don't judge him too harshly. He was under the influence of Helio."

"Though I cannot account for his greed and what not." The female said

Mallothi looked shocked and I could see why; the woman looked exactly like his late wife, Daenă Ekiane.

"We felt the release of the Eterna." The third one said "We came to tell you all not to misuse the power that has been returned to you."

"Although lost to history, the last time the Eterna was among you before the Seal, it lead to a lot of carnage and destruction." The woman said, ignoring Mallothi bewildered expression.

"We will be watching. But on to more pressing matters; we have chosen one among you to join us; the lady Plette." He said gesturing to the woman among them "will not be staying with us,"

The one I assumed was their leader landed by me "Kerös, I want to thank you on behalf of the Free. I am Behenir Charias." His arms looked like they could crush rocks with ease. "The others are Cann Ñærias, Aron and Lady Plette Pellrima."

"Oh." I said

He went on "You have done your part in restoring balance. Now let us do ours."

Cann Ñærias spoke "The ones we have chosen to join us, if they accept."

Aron picked up, hinting at a synchronised thinking "Of the house Ekiane, Plette. Your valour and bravery in the face of danger has made you a perfect candidate.

"What. No!" I said

The free turned to me. I tried to save the situation "I mean, I haven't seen her since I came back."

I heard her voice behind me "I will accept Kerös."

I turned to her; She looked more beautiful than ever. "I am accepting not because I don't love you. Believe me all your time away has shown is that I love you more than I've ever loved anything or anyone else." She walked to me and touched my face "I am accepting because it is the right thing to do, and because it is my destiny."

"I do love you." I said, holding her hand "Please think about this." I said

"I will never stop loving you." She said "Someone has to do it. It might as well be me."

"Do you accept our offer to join the Free, to keep the peace of the Empire and to let go of your earthly tether?" Aron said.

Plette took one look at me, her eyes glistening with tears. I did the hardest thing I have ever done; I gave her a nod of encouragement.

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