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Memphis and I arrived in time to see the bomb rise out of the crate it was in. "Looks like Helio likes a big event." I said

"Yeah." Boreas said, running down "So, what's the plan, I just escaped death once, I'm in no mood to try again."

"How did you survive that fall?" I said

"I have no idea." He said "I'll find out later, if we survive this."

"I have to try take the bomb away from the city and into the ocean or something."

I shifted up to the bomb and tried to hold it, but I was shocked away, "this was Atila's endgame. I can't seem to move the bomb."

"That can't be good."

Memphis spoke "What's that thing they show on the discovery channel." She said "holes in space."

"Black holes." Ander said over the comms. "A black hole should absorb the energy, but where do we get a quantum black hole in twenty minutes?"

"Leave that to me." Memphis said

"Good." Lukas Tenar said, arriving on the scene with his bike "Because it's time for Kerös Pellrima to return home."

"But I can help."

"You have given this time worthy heroes." Lukas said "Now go and save yours." He handed me the headpiece and the bottom of the sceptre. "Seek out Asena Cavai."

"Good luck guys you can do this." I said. I ran ahead and thought of the sandstorms, the wind in the Id’ean desert,  my home, my family, my people.

And I disappeared.


I gained access to the street cameras in the first district and I saw what was going on. "Memphis that bomb is about to reach critical. I don't think you'll be standing when It blows."

"Boreas get out of here." She said, "Help evacuate the city."

Boreas was hesitant but he nodded and ran to Lukas's bike.He took off and I spoke to her again. "Are you sure about this?"

'The science is sound. A nuclear bomb shouldn't be able to kill off a black hole." She said "I'm going to make one for just about enough time to absorb the explosion."

"That's is crazy. But I know I can't change your mind."

"What do you think about Luke Carlsbad?"

I realised she was trying to distract herself from the possibility of her death.

"He's a good guy. He just needs a little love." I said, playing along "You should give him a chance."

"I will. If I make it out of this."

"Well we're about to find out." I said "Ten seconds"

"Good bye Ander," She said "I wanted to-"

The rest of her sentence was lost in the explosion.


I have had enough Aeslor trouble to last me a lifetime. Darius and I were holding off the three monsters; nine eyes focused on us.

Asena has to get away.

Naturally with my luck, two Aeslor came after me. I flipped over the first one and landed on the second for about a second before it tried to snap me up. "Easy there." I said, stabbing down with my spear. I landed and rolled away. "Over here." I said, throwing rocks at them.

Both charged at me, I slid under them and struck at the larger one's legs. I managed to graze it, causing a black liquid I assumed was its blood to flow out.


Darius was holding his own. I saw him moving in for the same trick that helped him kill the last Aeslor he faced. He jumped over the monster and lodged his spear into its middle eye. The Aeslor began to screech as it burned from the inside out.

The second Aeslor left me and ran in the direction of Asena, I turned to Darius "Stop it!" He ran after it, two swords in hand. I turned to my bane, "Let's do this." I said running towards it.

Alas, my heroic moment didn't last, because the Aeslor charged low and snapped it's jaws at my thigh.  I tried to twist out of the way. It still made contact and next thing I knew I was lying on the floor, the entire weight of the Aeslor on me, its disgusting breath in my face and whatever came out of its mouth dripping on me.

This is it. I said.

Just then three blades passed through the Aeslors head. Its screeching pierced my ears and it turned to attack, utterly blind. The attacker landed two more blows and the Aeslor fell.

"Dude. I leave for a while and you guys start a war?" Kerös Pellrima said smiling and offering me his hand.

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