Masquerade I

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I woke quite early morning really ecstatic. I spent most my week hanging out with Ater and Asena . Asena had become more reserved without her brother around for her to playfully insult.

"Smile a little" I said "You've still got us".

"yeah I know" she said " I just kind of miss Ater. There, I said it

"You guys shared a womb. It is not unusual for you to miss him. "

I parried the strike of my sparring partner,  Hedrs, and I countered quickly, knocking him off his feet. I helped him get up.

"Nice one Prince Keros" he said

"Thanks" I said, realising that Ater, my only true equal opponent,  was stuck reading some dusty scrolls.

I returned the wooden swords to their places and walked out of the training ground, directing my thoughts to my semi-girlfriend, Plette Ekiane.  We were busy mostly but I occasionally saw her on her way back from the well. We were going out for the first major event together this evening and I hoped everything would be perfect.

On getting home I remembered that my tutor gave me some work on the Unification of the raiders; I was to read up and write about the altering event in out history. My attempts to finish the write up resulted in failure as I wasn't prepared for the mind numbing task that

was education.  I was already asleep when the Horn blasted Once.

Once for returning raiders,  twice for an Invasion, thrice for a royal death or birth. I jumped off my seat and ran out of the castle and towards the city square, where raiders were already sharing stories with the people. I noticed one raider sowing his battle scars to a dozen awestruck girls. I also noticed his mark,  which served to remind me of my situation.

"The battle was intense, the Rhönn were prepared for us," one raider was saying "but none of them could match Lord Derrahn's skill and grace. He was weaving through their warriors and knocking them out fast."

At that point the crowd parted and revealed my father, Derrahn Pellrima, in all his glory. He had a broadsword sheated behind him, daggers in his belt and a spear in hand. He saw me and smiled, saving in my direction. I waved back, awfully embarrassed.

Mallothi Ekiane ran to my father's side and bowed ."Welcome back Lord Derrahn." he said " How are things in Rhönn? "

" Reduced the tax requirements from Rhönn" dad said

"But my lord-" Mallothi said before he was interrupted

"If you had not increased them initially, the entire battle would have been prevented."

"If will do so immediately my lord."

Mallothi bowed and walked away swiftly, obviously annoyed by the public embarrassment.

I went back home, since there wasn't any news I couldn’t get from father directly.  I sat on my bed and then, in that moment I snapped; seeing all those warrior marks today did me no good. I was beginning to honk of how life would be without the throne to look foward; maybe I would travel to the Aënes sea port and become an ark's boy   or become a mercenary in training till I can ply my trade alone. I returned to reality when I heard my door open. My dad,  dressed in fresh clothes, was standing in my room.

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I replied 

He looked really nervous and well, less king, more unsure single dad."Sorry I wasn't around for you to talk to these past weeks"

"Don't worry dad." I said "I'm okay. Kad mi-el talked to me"

"I guess I'll have to go thank him" dad said, passing his hand through his dark hair.

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