Recovery Savio/Keros

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It has been two full moons since my incident in the temple and I was happy for once that I was no longer the centre of attraction. It really surprised me how fast the entire story blew over I heard different stories.  Some people called me "Demon spawn"; claiming that I was not the true heir. but that's not true and even at that I noticed that my events are not even the talk of the city anymore.

I spent most of my time hanging out with Ater during his lunch breaks. He had actually taken a keen interest in everything he was being taught in the Scholar's Clave.

" It is a massive upgrade from what we do in the Han'ru" he said "I don't know why I didn't become a scholar earlier" .We sat on a table with Is'sa, a new friend of Ater’s. I noticed that they have been unusually close.  Ater would go to her to teach him things he already knew. They sat close to each other, with me facing them .

" So, the celebratory dance thing is in six days." 

" so?"

" You haven't spoken to Plette for weeks now, and I remember you dancing for joy when you asked her to the dance weeks ago".

I gave Ater one of my looks of death " I'll talk to her today after lunch"

"Good" Ater said " I have no plans of going anyway" he said.

I noticed a disappointing look on Is'sa's face and I glared at Ater like -dude don't be dumb.cute girl =ask to dance. Ater read my look and said "except you want to go, like with me and stuff"

" I would love to" she said, smiling.

I got up "Well I have to go now". I'm already almost out of the lunch area when I hear someone call me. I turn back and see Is'sa hurrying towards me

"Hey.  thanks for helping me back there with Ater. He can be clueless sometimes"

"It was nothing"

"Since you helped me  I'll tell you this; Plette has been feeling really bad about you not talking to her about everything you've been goingthrough  Go talk to her already" "Thanks Is'sa" I replied.

I found Plette by the entrance of the Han'ru after their lunch.

" I'm sorry" I blurted out before I could stop myself. She turned and saw me

"Hi Keros" she said with a nervous smile "What are you sorry about"

"I haven't been myself for a while and I should have explained myself to you-"

"it's okay" she said "you have been through a lot and I understand that you needed time to clear your head"

"Well allow me to make it up to you by taking you to the dance in a few days." " I would love that" she said "well I have to go now". She then came closer, stood on her toes and kissed me on my cheek. I was so stunned I didn't notice her hurry back into the Han'ru.  I turned back and walked away smiling, my world suddenly filled with endless possibilities.


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